Monday, September 1, 2008


As I was working on an article about my Micro Machines collection, it occurred to me that it might interesting to write a little about how I managed the collection itself. You see, I was trying to recall the kinds of Micro Machines that I had and the history surrounding them when I realized that I needed to find the Fan Club piece. With a collection this size, you might think it would be a daunting task, but I had an ace up my sleeve: sw.txt.

Before I got married, my house only had room for me and my collection. That is not to say that the living areas were piled high with X-Wings and TIE Fighters - most of the rooms in my house were "tastefully" decorated. The exceptions were my office (it was piled high with random pieces) and a two spare bedrooms where most of the collection lived. In the first bedroom I had 5 bookcases full of various things, standees all around the room, and various teetering piles around which I would navigate. What may sound like a nightmare to some, was a place of refuge that I loved.

The second bedroom was primarily action figures, mounted on hooks in another 5 bookcases that I had converted into display cases. This bedroom had some nice double-doors which I would often use to overwhelm visitors by standing them outside the doors, saying "brace yourself", and then pushing them open to reveal a room with carded figures from floor to ceiling. It was a sight to behold!

As time went by and my focus shifted to my growing family, I had to clear out the first room for my first son. I meticulously boxed up each item, documented exactly what went into each box, numbered the boxes, and stacked them 8 high in a storage unit close to my house. I kept that detailed description in a file on my computer called, quite simply, sw.txt.

Some days I would find myself playing with my children only to think "Hey, I have something in the storage unit that you woud like", and would run in to the office, open up sw.txt, quickly find the item, write down the box number, and head over to the storage unit to find the item. We made several trips over through the years, borrowing toys from the archives and returning them later, only to borrow more.

As my family grew, more and more boxes made their way into the storage unit and into sw.txt. I started to use it to document which action figures I had or was looking for. I wish I could say that I have a complete set, but I can't. My collecting came in waves where, for months, I would be actively building out certain aspects of the collection, and then for other months, not buy anything. But since Hasbro/Kenner was generally releasing new figures all the time, I didn't keep up. I'm still hoping to complete those sets, but I expect much of that will happen after I retire.

Below I have included the entire contents of sw.txt. It documents over 80 boxes of Star Wars items and is still mostly accurate. Just before my last move, I had to box up everything and get it into storage. I didn't have time to document and number those boxes, but the sheer volume of it all is what led me to the title of this blog. I believe that I easily had another 80+ boxes that were undocumented. Today, I have a bigger house with most of the boxes in a bonus room and have included some photos. I will be looking for some old photos of the collection and post them here when I find them.

So, with all this effort, why does my wife still think I'm disorganized? I can't imagine... :-)


Comic Box 1 (quantity: 3 unless otherwise noted)
Decade of Dark Horse number 2 of 4
Dark Horse Insider # 48 (quantity: 4), 47, 45, 44, 43, 42,
34 (quantity: 2), 33 (quantity: 2),
20 (quantity: 1), 18 (quantity: 1), 17, 16
Dark Horse comics 7, 8, 9, 17 (quantity: 4), 18 (quantity: 4), 19
Comics Interview super special Star Wars (quantity: 2)
Comics interview #130 (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Droids: The Kalarba adventures TPB
Star Wars: Droids 1-6 of 6
Star Wars: The Protocol Offensive 1 shot
Star Wars: Droids Special 1 shot
Star Wars: Droids 1-8
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire 1-6
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire: Evolution 1-5 of 5
Star Wars: Shadow Stalker 1 shot
Star Wars: Mara Jade: By the emperor's hand 1-6 of 6
Star Wars: Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire TPB
Star Wars: Dark Forces: Rebel Agent TPB
Star Wars: Dark Forces: Jedi Knight TPB
Star Wars: Vader's Quest 1-4 of 4
Star Wars: Handbook Volume 1 X-Wing Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Handbook volume 2 Crimson Empire
Star Wars: Handbook volume 3 Dark Empire
Sergio Aragones Stomps Star Wars (one shot)
Calibur Comics Calibur presents Romantic Tales 1 (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Tales from Mos Eisley
Star Wars: A New Hope Trilogy Special Edition 1-4 of 4 (1 copy of #4)
Star Wars: Jedi Academy Leviathan 1-4 of 4
Star Wars: The Jaba Tape 1 shot
Star Wars: Jabba the Hut Betrayal 1 shot
Star Wars: Jabba the Hut The Gaar Suppoon Hit
Star Wars: Jabba the Hut The Hunger of Princess Nampi
Star Wars: Jabba the Hut The Dynasty Trap
Star Wars: Crimson Empire 1-6 of 6

Comic Box 2 (quantity: 3 unless otherwise noted)
Star Wars: Crimson Empire II 1-6 of 6
Star Wars: Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction (one shot)
Star Wars: Boba Fett 1 (Bounty on Bar-Kooda), 2, 3
Star Wars: Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire 1-4 of 4
Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing (one shot)
Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters: Aurra Sing Dynamic Forces Gold Foil (quantity:1)
Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters: Kenix Kil (one shot)
Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters: Scoundrel's Wages (one shot)
Star Wars: Jedi Council: Acts of War 1-4 of 4
Star Wars: Union 1-4 of 4
Star Wars: Chewbacca 1-4 of 4
(Marvel) Star Wars 1-107 (quantity: 1 each)
(Marvel) Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 1-4 of 4 (quantity: 1 each)
(Marvel) Star Wars Annual 1-4 of 4 (quantity: 1 each)
@@@@ marvel comics don't have boards in them
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace 1-4 of 4 (photo cover)(2 copies of #2)
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace 1-4 of 4 (drawn cover) (1 copy of #2)
Star Wars: Episode I: Queen Amidala (photo cover)
Star Wars: Episode I: Queen Amidala (drawn cover)
Star Wars: Episode I: Anakin Skywalker (photo cover)
Star Wars: Episode I: Anakin Skywalker (drawn cover)
Star Wars: Episode I: Obi-wan Kenobi (photo cover)
Star Wars: Episode I: Obi-wan Kenobi (drawn cover)
Star Wars: Episode I: Qui-gon Jinn (photo cover)
Classic Star Wars: Han Solo at Stars End 1-3 of 3
Star Wars: Splinter of the Mind's Eye TBP
Star Wars: Splinter of the Mind's Eye 1-4 of 4 (9 copies of #2)

Comic Box 3 (quantity: 3 unless otherwise noted)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi TPB (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi 1-5 of 5 (4 copies of #4)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 1-6 of 6 (4 copies of #3)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith #1 (bagged w/ Topps card)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising 1-2 of 2 (4 cps of #1)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War TPB (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War 1-6 of 6
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith 0-5 of 5
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire TPB (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire 1-5 of 5 (1 cp of #2)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: Redemption 1-5 of 5
Classic Star Wars: A New Hope TPB 1-2
Classic Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back TPB 1-2 (4 copies of #2)
Classic Star Wars: Return of the Jedi TPB 1-2
Classic Star Wars: Return of the Jedi TPB #1 (bagged w/ Topps card)
Trilogy Special Edition: Star Wars (quantity: 1)
Trilogy Special Edition: The Empire Strikes Back (quantity: 1)
Trilogy Special Edition: Return of the Jedi (quantity: 1)
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures 1-9
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures #3 (bagged w/ Topps card)
Classic Star Wars: The Rebel Storm TPB (quantity: 1)
Classic Star Wars 1-20 (4 copies of #8) (2 copies of #20)
Classic Star Wars #8 (bagged w/ Topps card)
Classic Star Wars #20 (bagged w/ Topps card) (quantity: 2)

Comic Box 4 (quantity: 3 unless otherwise noted)
Classic Star Wars: The Vandelhelm Mission
Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds 1-2
Classic Star Wars: River of Chaos 1-3 of 4
Star Wars: Dark Empire (Wizard Ace Edition #67) (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Dark Empire TPB (quantity: 1) @@@@ not bagged
Star Wars: Dark Empire 1-6 of 6 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars: Dark Empire II TPB (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Dark Empire II (Hero Special)
Star Wars: Dark Empire II 1-6 of 6 (4 copies of #2)
Star Wars: Empire's End 1-2 of 2
Star Wars: Heir to the Empire TPB (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Heir to the Empire 1-6 of 6
Star Wars: Dark Force Rising 1-6 of 6
Star Wars: The Last Command 1-6 of 6
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron Special (quantity: 4) (in Kellogg's mailer)
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron Special (quantity: 2)
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron 1/2 (Wizard) (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Rebel Opposition 1-4 of 4
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Phantom Affair 1-4 of 4 (4 copies of #3)
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Battleground: Tatooine 1-4 of 4
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Warrior Princess 1-4 of 4
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Requiem for a Rogue 1-4 of 4
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service TBP (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: In the Empire's Service 1-4 of 4 (#21-#24)
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Making of Baron Fel (#25)
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Family Ties 1-2 of 2 (#26-#27)
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Masquerade 1-4 of 4 (#28-#31)
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Mandatory Retirement 1-4 of 4 (#32-#35)
Star Wars: Tales 1-5
Dark Horse Presents Annual '99

Comic Box 5 (quantity: 3 unless otherwise noted)
Star Wars: Prelude to Rebellion #1 ( signed) (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Prelude to Rebellion 1-6 of 6
Star Wars: Outlander 1-2,4-5 of 6 (#7-#8,#10-#11)
Star Wars: Emissaries to Malastare 1-6 of 6 (#13-#18) (2 cps of #4) (1 cp #5)
Star Wars: Twilight 1-4 of 4 (#19-#22)
Star Wars: Infinity's End 1-4 of 4 (#23-#26)
Star Wars: Darth Maul 1-4 of 4 (mix of drawn & photo covers)
Star Wars: Dark Empire 1-6 of 6 (signed by Cam Kennedy) (quantity: 1)
Classic Star Wars: Return of the Jedi #1 (signed by Adam Hughes) (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Empire's End 1-2 of 2 (signed by Tom Veitch) (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: The Warrior Princess 3 of 4 (signed
by Jordi Ensign) (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace 1/2 (Wizard Special Edition) (signed
by Tim Bradstreet) (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace 1/2 (Wizard Special Edition) (
quantity: 2)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: The Sith Warn 5 of 6 (signed) (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika 1 of 5 (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Zam Wesell TPB (quantity: 5)
Star Wars: Jedi Quest 3-4 of 4
Star Wars: Tag and Bink Are Dead 2 of 2
Star Wars: Tales #10
Star Wars: The Stark Hyperspace War 1-4 of 4 (#36-#39)
Star Wars: Infinities 4 of 4
Star Wars: Boba Fett: Agent of Doom (one shot)
Star Wars: Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell 1 of 3
Star Wars: Tales #6
Star Wars: Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan: The Aurorient Express #1
Star Wars: Starfighter: Crossbones 2-3 of 3
Star Wars: The Devaronian Version 1 of 2
Star Wars: Tales #11
Star Wars: Jango Fett
Star Wars: Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika 2-3 of 5
Star Wars: Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell 2-3 of 3
Star Wars: The Hunt for Aurra Sing 1-2 of 4 (#28-#29)
Star Wars: Tales #7
Star Wars: Starcrash (one shot) (#27)
Star Wars: Jango Fett: Open Seasons 1 of 4
Star Wars: Rite of Passage 1 of 4 (#42)
Star Wars: The Devaronian Version 2 of 2 (#41)
Star Wars: Underworld 4 of 5
Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith 1-4 of 6
Star Wars: Infinities: A New Hope 1-2 of 4
Star Wars: The Hunt for Aurra Sing 3-4 of 4 (#30-#31)
Star Wars: Tales #8
Star Wars: Underworld 5 of 5
Star Wars: Darkness 1-4 of 4
Star Wars: Infinities: A New Hope 3 of 4
Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith 5-6 of 6
Star Wars: Tag and Bink Are Dead 1 of 2
Star Wars: Jedi Quest 1-2 of 4
Star Wars: Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan: The Aurorient Express #2
Star Wars: Jango Fett: Open Seasons 2 of 4
Star Wars: Tales #12
Star Wars: Rite of Passage 2 of 4 (#43)
Star Wars: Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back 1 of 4

Comic Box 6 (quantity: 3 unless otherwise noted)
Star Wars: Rite of Passage 3-4 of 4 (#44-#45)
Star Wars: Republic: Honor and Duty 1 of 3 (#46) (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Republic: Honor and Duty 2-3 of 3 (#47-#48)
Star Wars: Republic: Sacrifice (#49)
MISSING Star Wars: Republic: (#50)
Star Wars: Republic: The New Face of War 1-2 of 2 (#51-#52)
Star Wars: Republic: Blast Radius (#53)
Star Wars: Republic: Double Blind (#54)
Star Wars: Republic: The Rainmakers (#55)
Star Wars: Republic: Stormchasers (#56)
Star Wars: Republic: Lightning Rods (#57)
Star Wars: Republic: Floodgates (#58)
Star Wars: Republic: Enemy Lines (#59)
Star Wars: Republic: Hate and Fear (#60)
Star Wars: Republic: Dead Ends (#61)
Star Wars: A Valentine Story (one shot)
Star Wars: Jedi: Aayla Secura (one shot)
Star Wars: Jedi: Count Dooku (one shot)
Star Wars: Jedi: Shaak Ti (one shot)
Star Wars: Jango Fett: Open Seasons 3-4 of 4
Star Wars: Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back 2-4 of 4
Star Wars: Infinities: Return of the Jedi 1-3 of
Star Wars: Tales #13-#18 (mix of drawn & photo covers)
Star Wars: Empire: Betrayal 1-4 of 4 (#1-#4)
Star Wars: Empire: Princess...Warrior 1 of 2 (#5) (quantity: 1)
Star Wars: Empire: Princess...Warrior 2 of 2 (#6)
Star Wars: Empire: Sacrifice (#7)
Star Wars: Empire: Darklighter (#8)
Star Wars: Empire: Darklighter (#9)
Star Wars: Empire: The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell 1-2 of 2 (#10-#11)
Star Wars: Empire: Darklighter (#12)
Star Wars: Empire: What Sin Loyalty? (#13)
Star Wars: Empire: The Savage Heart (#14)
Star Wars: Empire: Darklighter (#15)
Star Wars: Empire: To The Last Man 1-2 of 3 (#16-#17)
Ewoks #14 (Marvel) - 1987

Box 1
12.25 oz. Cookie Crisp w/ collectable cup and bowl offer
13 oz. golden grahams with die cast car offer
15.25 oz. Honey nut chex with die cast car offer
14 oz. Honey nut cheerios with lightsaber pen
14 oz. Cinnamon toast crunch w/ lightsaber pen
13.75 oz. Cocoa Puffs w/ lighsaber pen
14.25 oz. Reese's Puff's w/ lightsaber pen
12 oz. Trix with Free Kid's Padme movie ticket
14 oz. Lucky Charms w/ Free kid's Padme movie ticket
12.25 oz. Star Wars Episode II Cereal Collector's Edition One
12.25 oz. Star Wars Episode II Cereal Collector's Edition Two
21 oz. Apple Cinnamon Cheerios w/ Free Kid's Anakin movie ticket
Gogurt box with Obi-Wan on cover
Gogurt wrapper Mace Windu
Gogurt wrapper Luminara Unduli
Gogurt wrapper Darth Vader
Gogurt wrapper Luke Skywalker
Gogurt wrapper Qui-Gon-Jinn
Gogurt wrapper Ki-Adi-Mundi
Gogurt wrapper Kit Fisto
Gogurt wrapper Darth Maul
Gogurt wrapper Shaak Ti
Gogurt wrapper Obi-Wan Kenobi Young
Gogurt wrapper Obi-Wan Kenobi Old
Gogurt wrapper Stass Allie

Box 2
Gogurt box with Yoda on cover
Gogurt box with Count Dooku on cover
Gogurt box with Mace Windu on cover
Gogurt box with Anakin on Naboo on cover
Gogurt box with Anakin on Tattooine
Episode II Frito Lay Multi Pack
Trilogy Special Edition Frito Lay Multi Pack
Millenium Falcon special edition Taco Bell toy
Special Edition Frito Lay 3D card:
number 6 (quantity: 3)
number 5 (quantity: 2)
number 2
Episode I Taco Bell cup with Darth Maul with lid and game piece
Episode I Taco Bell cup with Sebulba with lid and game piece (quantity: 2)
Episode I Taco Bell cup with Anakin and Pod Racer
Episode I Taco Bell cup with Anakin piloting Pod Racer
Episode I Taco Bell cup with Jar Jar Binks with lid and game piece
Set of four movie theater Episode I Pepsi cups w/ lids
C3po, Obi-Wan, Queen Amidala, and Sebulba
44 oz. Watto movie theater Pepsi cup
Glow in the dark trilogy special edition Pepsi General Cinema cups (quantity:4)
Trilogy special edition Taco Bell cup
Trilogy special edition Taco Bell cup with game piece
Doritos 3D coin number 2 of 20 in terrible shape
Frito Lay Episode I collector card number 10 of 12
Episode I Defeat the Dark side game pieces from Taco Bell
Numbers 1,3,7,8,12,19
Episode I 20 oz. plastic pepsi bottle
Episode I 20 oz. plastic Mountain Dew bottle
Episode I Defeat the Dark Side game sheet from Taco Bell
Episode I Tray liner from Taco Bell
Episode I Diet Pepsi 12 pack box
21.5 oz. Episode I Qui-Gon-Jin Lays potato chips
7 oz. Episode II 3D Doritos Zesty Ranch
7 oz. Epidode II 3D Ruffles Maximum cheddar
7 oz. Epidode II @@@@
10 oz Epidode II Cheetos X's and O's
11 oz. Epidode II Cheetos Puffs
14.5 oz. Episode I Doritios with R2D2
13.5 oz. Epidode II Doritos spicier nacho
12.25 oz. Epidode II Ruffles
14.5 oz. Trilogy Special Edition Doritos
6 oz. Trilogy Special Edition Lays potato chips
7 oz. Epidode II 3D doritos nacho cheesier (quantity: 2)
7 oz. Epidode II 3D jalapeno cheddar
12.25 oz. Epidode II Lays BBQ potato chips
13.5 oz. Epidode II Doritos cooler ranch
7 oz. Episode II Ruffles 3D Maximum Cheddar
12.25 oz. Episode II Lay's Classic Potato Chips (quantity: 2)
12.25 oz. Episode II Lay's Sour Cream & Onion Potato Chips
12.25 oz. Episode II Wavy Lay's Potato Chips

Box 3
Epidode I Pepsi One 12 pack box
Episode I Mountain Dew 12 pack box
Episode I Pepsi 12 pack box
18.8 oz. Corn Pops box 1995 Making of Star Wars Video offer
15 oz. Corn Pops box 1995 Making of Star Wars video offer
19.7 oz. Froot Loops box 1995 Han Solo Storm Trooper action figure offer
15 oz. Froot Loops box 1995 Han Solo Storm Trooper action figuer offer

Box 4
19 oz. 1995 Apple Jacks box comic book offer
15 oz. 1995 Apple Jacks box comic book offer
25.5 oz Raisin Bran w/ Star Wars video coupons offer (quantity: 2)
Star Wars large napkins 1997 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars small Napkins 1997 (quantity: 2)
R2d2 invitations 1997 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars small inch plates 1997 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars large plates 1997 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Treat Sacks 1997 (quantity: 3)
Star Wars Table Cover 1997 (quantity: 2)
Epidode II large napkins
Epidode II small napkins
Epidode II small plates
Epidode II large plates
Epidode II invitiations
Epidode II Light Saber Yoyo's party favors
Epidode II Maze game party favors
Epidode II stickers
Epidode II party hats
Epidode II 17 oz hallmark plastic cup
Epidode II General Mills light side cup and bowl set from mail away
Epidode II General Mills dark side cup and bowl set from mail away
Epidode II R2d2 galaxy dipper candy
Epidode II Darth vader pop topper candy
Epidode II Jengo Fett pop topper candy
Epidode II Count Dooku lightsaber candy
Epidode II Jengo Fett gum dispenser
Princess Leia Pez dispenser 1997 (carded)
Yoda Pez dispenser 1997 (quantity: 2) (carded)
Chewbacca Pez dispenser 1997 (quantity: 2) (carded)
Darth Vader pez dispenser (purple box) 1997 (quantity: 2) (carded)
Darth Vader Pez dispenser (blue box) 1997 (carded)
C-3PO Pez 1997 (quantity: 2) (carded)
Storm Trooper Pez 1997 (quantity: 2) (carded)
Luke in X-Wing Outfit 1997 (carded)
Luke in X-Wing Outfit (bagged)
Darth Vader Pez dispenser (bagged)
C-3PO Pez (bagged)
Yoda Pez (bagged)
Boba Fett Pez (bagged)
Ewok Pez (bagged)
Stormtrooper Pez (bagged)
Princess Leia Pez (bagged)
Episode I: Jar Jar Binks Film Action Container (candy)

Box 5
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Rebel Snowspeeder
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Remote Control Imperial AT-AT (KB exclusive?)
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Luke's X-Wing Starfighter
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: A-Wing Starfighter
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Imperial Shuttle Tydirium
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Darth Vader's TIE Fighter
Micro Machines: Imperial Forces Gift Set: Second Edition
Micro Machines: Rebel Forces Gift Set: Second Edition

Box 6
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Imperial AT-AT
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Luke's X-Wing Starfighter
Micro Machines: Droids
Micro Machines: A New Hope: Collector's Edition #017739
Micro Machines: Return of the Jedi: Collector's Edition #013481
Micro Machines: The Empire Strikes Back: Collector's Edition #006707
Micro Machines: Imperial Forces Gift Set #028456
Micro Machines: Rebel Forces Gift Set #028467

Box 7
Micro Machines: R2-D2/Jabba's Palace Transforming Action Set (quantity: 2)
Micro Machines: C-3PO/Cantina Transforming Action Set
Micro Machines: Darth Vader/Bespin Transforming Action Set (quantity: 2)
Micro Machines: Stormtrooper/The Death Star Transforming Action Set
Micro Machines: Chewbacca/Endor Transforming Action Set
Micro Machines: Cloud City

Box 8
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Ice Planet Hoth
Micro Machines: Master Collector's Edition (quantity: 2)
Micro Machines: Collector's Gift Set
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Battle Packs #2: Galactic Empire
Micro Machines: Collection II
Micro Machines: Collection II (from France)
Micro Machines: Collection IV

Box 9 (hardcover books)
Star Wars: Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire
Star Wars: Dark Forces: Rebel Agent
Star Wars: Dark Forces: Jedi Knight
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Amidala cover)
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Maul cover)
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Obi-Wan cover)
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Anakin cover)
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Anakin cover)
Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (signed in Maul collector's case)
Star Wars (1995)
The Empire Strikes Back (1995)
Return of the Jedi (1995)
Star Wars: Heir to the Empire (signed)
Star Wars: Dark Force Rising (signed)
Star Wars: The Last Command (signed)
Star Wars: Specter of the Past (signed)
Star Wars: Vision of the Future (signed)
Star Wars: The Truce at Bakura
Star Wars: The New Rebellion
Star Wars: I, Jedi
Star Wars: Darksaber
Star Wars: The Crystal Star
Star Wars: The Courtship of Princess Leia
Star Wars: Children of the Jedi
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Box 10
Micro Machines: Ice Planet Hoth
Micro Machines: Endor
Micro Machines: The Death Star
Micro Machines: Planet Tatooine
Micro Machines: Millennium Falcon
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Battle Packs #1: Rebel Alliance
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Battle Packs #3: Aliens & Creatures
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Battle Packs #5: Shadows Of The Empire

Box 11
Lego: X-Wing Fighter
Lego: Tie Fighter & Y-Wing
Lego: Naboo Swamp (empty box with instructions)
Lego: Snowspeeder (empty box with instructions)
Lego: Droid Fighter
Lego: Speeder Bikes
Lego: Landspeeder
Lego: Anakin's Podracer
Lego: Sith Infiltrator
Lego: Naboo Fighter
Lego: Gungan Sub
Micro Machines: Imperial Pilots
Micro Machines: Return of the Jedi: Collection #3
Micro Machines: Return of the Jedi: Collection #6
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Trade Federation MTT

Box 12
POTF2 3-figure diorama: Rebel Pilots
POTF2 3-figure diorama: Jabba's Skiff Guards
POTF2 3-figure diorama: Cantina Aliens
POTF2 3-figure diorama: Cantina Showdown
POTF2 3-figure diorama: Final Jedi Duel
POTF2 3-figure diorama: Jedi Spirits
POTF2 1-figure diorama: Jabba's Palace
POTF2 1-figure diorama: Cantina at Mos Eisley
Episode I 3-figure diorama: Mos Espa Encounter
1997 Hong Kong Edition (Rebels)
1997 Hong Kong Edition (Empire)

Box 13
Episode I: STAP and Battle Droid
Episode I: Armored Scout Tank with Battle Droid
Episode I: Kaadu and Jar Jar Binks
Episode I: Opee and Qui-Gon Jinn
POTF2: STAP and Battle Droid
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Sebulba's Pod Racer
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Republic Cruiser
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Naboo Starfighter
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Electronic: Fambaa
Micro Machines: Action Fleet: Electronic: Trade Federation Tank

Box 14 (12" figures)
Princess Leia Collection: Princess Leia Organa & R2-D2
1999 Portrait Edition: Queen Amidala: Black Travel Gown
1999 Portrait Edition: Princess Leia: Ceremonial Gown
Queen Amidala Collection: Ultimate Hair Queen Amidala
Queen Amidala Collection: Royal Elegance Queen Amidala
Queen Amidala Collection: Hidden Majesty Queen Amidala

Box 15 (12" figures)
1999 Portrait Edition: Queen Amidala: Red Senate Gown
Electronic Boba Fett
Electronic C-3PO and R2-D2 (2-pack)
Han Solo & Carbonite Block (2-pack)

Box 16
Episode I: Darth Maul Miniature
Episode I: Qui-Gon Jinn Miniature
Episode I: Obi-Wan Kenobi Miniature
Episode I: Queen Amidala Miniature
Episode I: Qui-Gon Jinn Character Collectible
Episode I: Darth Maul Character Collectible
Episode I: Electronic Talking Darth Maul (12")

Box 17
Episode I: Electronic Talking Jar Jar Binks (12")
Episode I: Obi-Wan Kenobi Character Collectible
Episode I: Queen Amidala Character Collectible
Episode I: Destroyer Droid Room Alarm
Episode I: Darth Maul Ceramic Mug

Box 18
EMPTY Episode I: Electronic Darth Maul Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Episode I: Darth Maul Lightsaber
MISSING Episode I: Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber
1995 Star Wars Lightsaber
Episode I: Jedi Gear
Episode I: Naboo Pistol
Episode I: Electronic Tatooine Blaster Pistol
Episode I: Naboo Foam-Firing Blaster

Box 19
Episode I: Electronic Commtech Reader (quantity: 2) (1 MISSING)
Episode I: Deluxe Darth Maul
Episode I: Deluxe Obi-Wan Kenobi
Episode I: Deluxe Qui-Gon Jinn
Episode I: Jar Jar Binks Kid's Collectible
Episode I: Watto Kid's Collectible
Episode I: Anakin Skywalker Kid's Collectible
Episode I: Darth Maul Kid's Collectible
Episode I: Battle Bags: Sea Creatures (quantity: 2)
Episode I: Battle Bags: Swamp Creatures (quantity: 2)
Episode I: Figurine Gift Set
Micro Machines: X-Ray Fleet: Collection I
Micro Machines: X-Ray Fleet: Collection II
Micro Machines: X-Ray Fleet: Collection III
Micro Machines: X-Ray Fleet: Collection IV
Micro Machines: Star Wars Collection #1
Micro Machines: Empire Strikes Back Collection #2
Micro Machines: Star Wars Collection #4
Micro Machines: Empire Strikes Back Collection #5
Micro Machines: Imperial Pilots
Micro Machines: SOTE II

Box 20
Episode I: Theed Hangar Playset
Episode I: Anakin Skywalker's Pod Racer
Episode I: Sebulba's Pod Racer

Box 21
Episode I: Trade Federation Droid Fighters (quantity: 2)
Episode I: Electronic Naboo Fighter
Episode II: Zam Wesell Speeder
Episode II: Anakin Skywalker Speeder
Expanded Universe: Speeder Bike
Expanded Universe: Airspeeder
Expanded Universe: Cloud Car
Shadows of the Empire Swoop

Box 22
Episode I: Battle for Naboo 3-D Action Game
Escape the Death Star Action Figure Game
Episode I: Clash of the Lightsabers Card Game
Episode I: Electronic Lightsaber Duel Game
Episode I: Jar Jar Binks 3-D Adventure Game

Box 23
Episode I: Illuminations Glow-in-the-dark Characters
Episode I: Illuminations Glow-in-the-dark Heroes, Villains & Droids
Episode I: Ultimate Art Set
Episode I: Jabba Glob
Episode I: Darth Maul Binoculars with Listening Device
Episode I: Picture Plus Image Camera
Episode I: Obi-Wan Kenobi 3-D Figure Painter
Episode I: Qui-Gon Jinn 3-D Figure Painter
Episode I: Darth Maul 3-D Figure Painter

Box 24
Star Wars Land of the Jawas Action Playset (1979)
Star Wars X-Wing (1977)
Star Wars Creature Cantina Action Playset (1977)
Star Wars Patrol Dewback (1979)
Star Wars Micro Collection Bespin Gantry Action Playset (1982)
Empire Strikes Back MTV-7 Multi-Terrain Vehicle (1981)
Empire Strikes Back Radar Laser Cannon (1982)

Box 25
Empire Strikes Back 12" IG-88 Bounty Hunter (1980)
Star Wars 12" Chewbacca (1978)
Star Wars 12" Han Solo (1978)
Star Wars 12" Princess Leia (1978)
Return of the Jedi The Jabba The Hutt Dungeon Action Playset (1984)
Empire Strikes Back Rebel Armored Snowspeeder (1980)
Star Wars Micro Collection X-Wing (1982)

Box 26
Star Wars Imperial Troop Transporter (1979)
Return of the Jedi Ewok Music Box Radio Preschool Toy (1984)
Empire Strikes Back Yoda Hand Puppet (1980)
Empire Strikes Back Tauntaun (1980)
Empire Strikes Back Cloud City Playset (1980)
Return of the Jedi Chewbacca Bandolier Strap (1983) (quantity: 3)
Replacement Weapons Sack

Box 27
Star Wars Action Figure Stand (1978) (loose)
Star Wars Escape From Death Star Game
Star Wars Darth Vader Tie Fighter
Return of the Jedi Jabba The Hutt Action Playset
Return of the Jedi Sy Snootles and the Rebo Band Action Figure Set

Box 28
Landspeeder Boat/Lounge
Anakin's Podracer Pool Lounge
Naboo Starfighter Pool Ride-On
Jar Jar 2-Person Ride-In
R2-D2 Junior Chair
C-3PO Junior Chair
Anakin's Podracer Model Kit
Trade Federation Droid Fighters Model Kit
Naboo Fighter Model Kit

Box 29
Playskool Duel with Darth Maul
Playskool X-Wing Adventure
Playskool The Stompin' Wampa
Playskool Arena Adventure
Playskool Fast Through the Forest
Star Wars Action Masters Collectors Set 6-pack (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Action Masters 4-pack
Star Wars Action Masters R2-D2 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Action Masters Stormtrooper (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Action Masters Darth Vader
Star Wars Action Masters C-3PO
Star Wars Action Masters Luke Skywalker

Box 30 (action figures)
AOTC 2002 #01 Anakin Skywalker Outland Peasant Disguise
AOTC 2002 #02 Padme' Amidala (Arena Escape) (with backdrop insert)
AOTC 2002 #03 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coruscant Chase)
AOTC 2002 #04 C-3PO (Protocol Droid)
AOTC 2002 #05 Kit Fisto (Jedi Master)
AOTC 2002 #06 Super Battle Droid
AOTC 2002 #11 Battle Droid (Arena Battle)
AOTC 2002 #13 Jango Fett (Kamino Escape)
AOTC 2002 #14 R2-D2 (Coruscant Sentry)
AOTC 2002 #15 Geonosian Warrior (with backdrop insert)
AOTC 2002 #16 Dexter Jettster (Coruscant Informant)
AOTC 2002 #17 Clone Trooper
AOTC 2002 #18 Zam Wesell Bounty Hunter
AOTC 2002 #19 Royal Guard (Coruscant Security)
AOTC 2002 #20 Saesee Tiin (Jedi Master)
AOTC 2002 #21 Nikto (Jedi Knight)
AOTC 2002 #24 Jar Jar Binks (Gungan Senator)
AOTC 2002 #25 Taun We (Kamino Cloner)
AOTC 2002 #26 Luminara Unduli (Jedi Master)
AOTC 2002 #28 Mace Windu (Geonosian Rescue)
AOTC 2002 #30 Darth Vader Bespin Duel
AOTC 2002 #31 Jango Fett Final Battle
AOTC 2002 #32 Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Master)
AOTC 2002 #33 Endor Rebel Soldier
AOTC 2002 #34 Massiff
AOTC 2002 #35 Orn Free Taa
AOTC 2002 #36 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Starfighter Pilot)
AOTC 2002 #37 Han Solo (Endor Raid)
AOTC 2002 #38 Chewbacca (Cloud City Capture)
AOTC 2002 #39 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
AOTC 2002 #40 Djas Puhr (Alien Bounty Hunter)
AOTC Sneak Preview Jango Fett
AOTC Sneak Preview Clone Trooper
AOTC Sneak Preview R3-T7
AOTC Sneak Preview Zam Wesell
AOTC Darth Tyranus with Force-Flipping Attack
AOTC Jango Fett with Electronic Jetpack and Snap-On Attack

Box 31 Shirts
ANH - Black
ESB - Black
ROTJ - Black
Yoda - Black
Magic of the Myth - Black
Yoda - White
Stormtrooper - White
Chewbacca - White
Leia - White
Boba Fett - White
C-3PO - White
70's style Han & Chewbacca Iron-On Tee - White
70's style SW ANH Classic Hildebrandt Movie Poster - White
70's style Luke & C-3PO on farm - White
70's style Darth Vader - White
Big Dog - Return of the Dogi - Black
Episode I Montage - Jedi vs. Sith - Black
Star Wars Celebration I - White
Mos Eisley Cantina - Brown
70's style C-3PO and R2-D2 on Tantive IV - White
X-wing assault on Death Star II - Black
Tie Dye - Qui-Gonn Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Dart Maul - Blue/Brown
Tie Dye - Episode I Jedi (Yoda, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gonn, Anakin, council) Blue
Tie Dye - Episode I Yoda - Dark Green
Tie Dye - Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Darth Maul - Black
Tie Dye - Darth Maul - Dark Blue
Tie Dye - Jar Jar Binks - Green & Blue

Box 32 Shirts
b/w Gone with the Wind style ESB Poster - Black
Rebels ROTJ - Green
ANH McQuarrie Art - White
ANH Style C Poster - Black
ESB Vader with crossed sabers - White
Boba Fett - White (quantity: 2)
Jawas - White (quantity: 2)
ANH Luke & Leia swinging - Black (quantity: 2)
ANH Imperials - White
Bounty Hunters - White
Black & Gold Vader - Black
Yoda Pocket Embroidery - Black
Vader Pocket Embroidery - Black
Vader split face - Black (quantity: 2)
Stormtrooper split face - Black
Yoda split face - Black
Vader Helmet - Black
ROTJ Imperials - Red
Jabba's Gang - Green

Box 33 Calendars, Electronic Games
SW Escape from the Death Star Action Figure Game
1998 Day to Day Calendar (quantity: 2)
Art of Ralph McQuarrie (book, postcards, stamps) (quantity: 2)
1999 Day Calendar - "The Wisdom of Star Wars" - (quantity: 2)
2000 Day Calendar - Episode I Trivia (quantity: 2)
Vader & Stormtrooper walkie talkies (quantity: 2)
Talking R2-D2
Rebel Forces Laser Game
Intimidator (handheld)
Star Wars Handheld Game
Star Wars Shakin' Pinball
R2-D2 Personal Cassette Player

Box 34 Event Memoribilia
Lego Mindstomres Droid Developer Kit
Rice Chex 12 oz box (Tattoos offer)
Yoda and Dooku Tattoos (unopened) (quantity: 2)
Dooku Lightsaber (cereal insert) (unopened)
AOTC 2-player Trading Card Game (unopened) (quantity: 2)
AOTC 2-player Trading Card Game (opened) (quantity: 2)
May 11, 2002 TV Guide - Anakin Cover
Queen Amidala Jounral - Episode I
Star Wars - Magic of Myth - 1997 - ISBN 0-553-37810-4
Museum of Fine Arts Houston - Magic of Myth Poster
Special Edition 2002 Lego Catalog (AOTC) (Celebration II)
Dark Horse Graphic Novels AOTC Bookmarks (quantity: 4)
VIP passes with lanyard for Episode II Charity Premier (quantity: 2)
Episode II Charity Premier Invitation
Ruffles 3D's 3/4 oz. bag
Topps Mastervision SOTE Hildebrandt Card
McCartney seat signs for Episode II Charity Premier (quantity: 2)
Dark Horse Rogue Squadron #15 page 6 art board signed by Jordi Ensign
Episode II Charity Premier Postcard
AOTC 2 player trading card game display stand
AOTC ticket stubs (quantity: 3)
Star Wars Plates & Cups offer birthday note
Dark Horse AOTC Poster (quantity: 2)
misc AOTC & SW advertisements
Lego AOTC Poster
Hasbro AOTC Action Figure Poster (quantity: 2)
SW Celebration II Bag
SW Celebration II 3-day pass & lanyard
SW Celebration II Schedule
SW Celebration II Program
SW Celebration II Misc Advertisements
SW Celebration II Advanced Graphics Cube - Count Dooku & Baddies
SW Celebration II Advanced Graphics Cube - Bounty Hunters
AOTC Booster Pack
AOTC Coupon Pack (quantity: 3)
AOTC Celebration II Topps Promo card - P6 (quantity: 2)
AOTC Puzzle Piece (frito lay)

Box 35
7103 Episode II Legos - Jedi Duel
7143 Episode II Legos - Jedi Starfighter
7153 Episode II Legos - Jango Fett's Slave I
7141 Episode I Legos - Naboo Fighter (box wear)
4476 Legos - Jabba's Prize
4479 Legos - Tie Bomber
4475 Legos - Jabba's Message
ROTJ Pop-up comb (C-3PO & R2-D2)
ROTJ Pop-up comb (Leia)
ROTJ Pop-up comb (Vader)
ROTJ Comb & Keeper (Max Rebo Band)
ROTJ Comb & Keeper (Droids in Landspeeder)
ROTJ Baby Ewoks Eraser (yellow bubble)
Wicket the Ewok Keychain (yellow bubble) (boy & girl) (quantity: 2)
ROTJ Gammorrean Guard Eraser (yellow bubble)
ROTJ Jabba the Hutt Eraser
ROTJ Bib Fortuna Eraser
ROTJ Admiral Ackbar Eraser
Wicket the Ewok Night Light (card only)
ROTJ C-3PO Night Light (circle)
ROTJ Darth Vader Night Light (head)
ROTJ C-3PO Night Light (head)
ROTJ R2-D2 Night Light (full body)
ROTJ Yoda Night Light (full body)
ROTJ Yoda Night Light (head)
Episode I Baseball Cap (Black)
Darth Maul Baseball Cap (Black)
Episode I Round Hat (Black)
Episode I Round Hat (Brown)
Star Wars Baseball Cap (Black)
Episode I Jar Jar Curad Bandages (Bandaids)
Darth Maul Dueling Action Spin Pop (candy)
Qui-Gon Jinn Dueling Action Spin Pop (candy)
Jar Jar Binks Candy Tongue

Box 36
R2-D2 Carry All Playset
Jar Jar's World Aquarium Pool
Gian Speeder & Theed Palace Micro Machines
Chewbacca Costume & Mask (large 12-14)
Darth Vader Costume & Mask (large 12-14)

Box 37
Naboo Fighter Target Game
SW Classic Collectors Series Figures (Applause w/ Boba Fett) (quantity: 2)
SW Classic Collectors Series Figures (Applause) (quantity: 2)
POTF2 Carbon Freezing Chamber (5" scale)

Box 38 Special Offers
POTF2 Carbon Freezing Chamber (box damage) (5" scale)
Pote Sniktin and AT-AT Driver Exclusive Figure Set (5") (quantity: 4)
Kabe & Muftak (2-pack) (5") (quantity: 2)
Lukes X-Wing from Dagobah Swamp Micro Machine (Wizard) (quantity: 3)
SW Boys Socks - Yoda
SW Boys Socks - Vader (full body)
SW Boys Socks - Vader (head)
Macro Binoculars Slide Viewer
20th Anniversary Micro Machines 3-pack (Falcon, Slave I, Death Star II)
B'omarr Monk (5") (quantity: 2)
Mace Windu Episode I Sneak Preview (5")
Han Solo in Stormtrooper outfit (cereal offer) (5") (quantity: 4)
Figrin Dan (5") (quantity: 5)

Box 39 Games
Star Wars - The Game of LIFE - Milton Bradley
Star Wars - Monopoly - Limited Collector's Edition - Parker Brothers
Star Wars - The Interactive Video Board Game - Parker Brothers
Star Wars - Stratego - Milton Bradley

Box 40 Games
Star Wars - Trivial Pursuit - Classic Trilogy Collector's Edition - Parker Brothers
Star Wars Escape from the Death Star - West End Games
Star Wars Mos Eisley Adventure Set - West End Games
Star Wars Battle for Endor - West End Games
Star Wars Electronic Battleship - Milton Bradley
Star Wars Jango Fett's Target Game - Milton Bradley
Star Wars Jedi Unleashed Game - Milton Bradley
Star Wars Epic Duels Game - Milton Bradley
Star Wars Lightsaber Dueling Pack - West End Games

Box 41 Trading Cards
Star Wars CCG First Anthology box set (Decipher)
opened boxes of Star Wars CCG cards (Decipher)
Episode I CCG Starter Set (Decipher)
Star Wars Galaxy Millennium Falcon Factory Set (Topps) (quantity: 2) (1 opened)
Return of the Jedi Deck (1983) (Parker Brothers)
opened pack of Episode I Widescreen cards (Topps)

Box 42 Videos
Star Wars Trilogy boxed set (2000) (VHS) (UPC: 0-24543-00743-2)
Episode I (Laserdisc CLV) Japanese Import
Episode I Widescreen Video Collectors Edition (VHS) (2000) (opened)
Star Wars CED (Capacitance Electronic Disc System)
Empire Strikes Back CED (Capacitance Electronic Disc System)
Star Wars Trilogy (Laserdisc)
Star Wars Trilogy: The Definitive Collection (Laserdisc)
Starwoids (DVD)
Star Wars Trilogy Special Letterboxed Collector's Edition (VHS)
Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition Limited Edition Collector's Set (VHS)

Box 43 Videos
Star Wars Trilogy THX Widescreen Edition (VHS) (1995) (opened)
Loose Lips Sink Movies sign from Dragons Lair about Phantom Menace discussion
Star Wars Trilogy THX Widescreen Edition (VHS) (1995) (shrink wrapped)
Jedi Knight Dark Forces II: The Official Strategy Guide (ISBN: 0-7615-0922-4)
Star Wars Trilogy boxed set (VHS) (ISBN: 0-7939-0609-1) (quantity: 3)
BDD Star Wars Audio Boxed Set Three Book Cycle by Timothy Zahn (ISBN: 0-553-47322-0) (1994)
The Mythology of Star Wars with George Lucas and Bill Moyers (VHS) (2000)
Episode I Widescreen Video Collectors Edition (VHS) (2000)
Star Wars NPR Radio Drama (Cassette)
Empire Strikes Back NPR Radio Drama (Cassette)
Star Wars Dark Empire Collectors Edition Radio Drama (CD)
Star Wars Jedi Arena (Atari 2600 Game Cartridge) (Parker Brothers)
Star Wars Special Edition (VHS) (quantity: 2)
Empire Strikes Back Special Edition (VHS)
Return of the Jedi Special Edition (VHS)
Episode I (VHS) (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition boxed set (VHS) (ISBN: 0-7677-2930-7)
Ewoks The Battle For Endor (VHS)
The Ewok Adventure (VHS)
Droids volume 1 (The White Witch, Escape Into Terror) (VHS)
Ewoks (The Tree of Light) (VHS)
Droids: The Pirates and the Prince (VHS)
The Making of Star Wars (VHS) (from cereal mail-away offer) (quantity: 5)
George Lucas in Love (VHS)
From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga (VHS)
Return of the Jedi (VHS)
The Empire Strikes Back (VHS)
Star Wars (VHS)
Star Wars Holiday Special (VHS)
Star Wars - Star Tours (VHS)
Star Wars (VHS)
Empire Strikes Back (VHS)
Return of the Jedi (VHS)

Box 44
Star Wars 1/6 Scale Pre-Painted Vinyl Model Kit - Polydata - Luke Skywalker 01
Star Wars 1/6 Scale Pre-Painted Vinyl Model Kit - Polydata - Ben Kenobi 02
Clone Wars - Army of the Republic - Jedi Starfighter
Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber (2002)
Count Dooku Lightsaber (2002)
Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber (2002)
Star Wars Clock (1981) - C-3PO & R2-D2
Empire Strikes Back - Read-Along Play Pack with Cassette (+ 3 action figures)

Box 45
Jedi High Council (1 of 2) - Mace Windu, Oppo Rancisis & Even Piell
Jedi High Council (2 of 2) - Yarael Poof, Depa Billaba & Yaddle
Geonosian War Chamber (1 of 2) - Poggle the Lesser, Count Dooku & San Hill
Geonosian War Chamber (2 of 2) - Nute Gunray, Passel Argente & Shu Mai
Clone Wars - Separatist Forces - Armored Assault Tank (AAT)
Diet Pepsi 12-pack box (flat) - 1996 Trilogy Special Edition - Stormtrooper
Pepsi 12-pack box (flat) - 1996 Trilogy Special Edition - Darth Vader
Pepsi 12-pack box (flat) - 1996 Trilogy Special Edition - C-3PO
Pepsi 12-pack box (flat) - 1996 Trilogy Special Edition - Yoda

Box 46
Star Wars Saving Bank - Darth Vader - Thinkway Toys
Star Wars Rebel Alliance Long Range Walkie Talkies - Tiger Electronics
Star Wars Darth Vader Power Talker Voice Changing Mask - Micro Games of America
Jeff Gordon #24 Star Wars Episode I Pepsi Racing Car
Star Wars The Force Pen - Fisher Space Pen
Episode I Space Battle Border Stick Ups
Star Wars Battle Droid Pencil - Pentech
Star Wars Princess Leia Toothbrush - 1998
Episode I Set of 8 Pencils - Pentech
Darth Maul 3x5 Memo Pad
Picture of Michael & Jessica from Attack of the Clones Charity Premier
Box of Episode I Curad Bandages (Bandaids)
Episode I TV Guide - Watto Cover
Episode I TV Guide - Jabba Cover
Topps Star Wars Evolution Promo Card - P2
Flier from Sci Fi Expo and Toy Show - May 17-19 2002 - Jango Fett & Darth Maul
Stromtrooper cup topper
3 straws
3 lids
Anakin in Pod Racer cup with topper
Darth Maul cup (with handle) (quantity: 2)
Darth Maul character cup
Jar Jar Binks character cup
Qui-Gon Jinn character cup
Naboo Starfighter cup
Star Wars Stick-R-Treats (AOTC) (quantity: 2) for halloween

Box 47
Star Wars Chronicles - Chronicles Books - ISBN 0-8118-1498-X
Star Wars Super Sticker & Tattoo Station - RoseArt
Star Wars Classic Collectors Series Danglers - Applause - in display box
Star Wars Caps - Topps (quantity: 3) - in display box
Star Wars Darth Vader Power Talker Voice Changing Mask - Micro Games of America (opened)
Return of the Jedi (1983) Rubber Stamps - in display box
gammorrean guard
millennium falcon
x-wing fighter pilot insignia
tie fighter
biker scout
imperial guard (red guy)
darth vader
admiral ackbar
Attack of the Clones Jedi Dex Instructions and Insert - Hasbro

Box 48 Games & Clocks
Episode II: Attack of the Clones Chess Set
Star Wars Death Star Assault Game - Parker Brothers
The Empire Strikes Back - Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Introductory Two-Player Game - Decipher - Parker Brothers
Premiere - Star Wars Customizable Card Game - Introductory Two-Player Game - Decipher - Parker Brothers
Darth Vader AM/FM Clock Radio
Star Wars Collector Timepiece - Darth Vader Wristwatch
Star Wars Collector Timepiece - C-3PO Wristwatch

Box 49 Books and Magazines
Science Fiction - The Illustrated Encyclopedia - ISBN 0-7894-0185-1
Star Wars Encyclopedia - Sansweet - ISBN 0-345-40227-8
Tomart's Encyclopedia & Price Guide to Action Figure Collectibles - (3 volumes) - ISBN 0-914293-32-X
Star Wars Manga - Return of the Jedi - Dark Horse - 1, 3
Star Wars Manga - The Empire Strikes Back - Dark Horse - 3
Star Wars Manga - A New Hope - Dark Horse - 1, 2, 3, 4
Star Wars Manga - The Phantom Menace - Dark Horse - 2
Star Wars Junior Jedi Knights 1 - The Golden Globe - ISBN 1-57297-035-9
Star Wars Junior Jedi Knights 2 - Lyric's World - ISBN 1-57297-068-5
Star Wars Junior Jedi Knights 3 - Promises - ISBN 1-57297-097-9
Star Wars Junior Jedi Knights 4 - Anakin's Quest - ISBN 1-57297-136-3
Star Wars Junior Jedi Knights 5 - Vader's Fortress - ISBN 1-57297-173-8
Star Wars Junior Jedi Knights 6 - Kenobi's Blade - ISBN 1-57297-208-4
Classic Star Wars - A New Hope - 1995 - ISBN 0-679-87203-5
Classic Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back - 1995 - ISBN 0-679-87204-3
Classic Star Wars - Return of the Jedi - 1995 - ISBN 0-679-87205-1
Star Wars Galaxy of Fear 4 - The Nightmare Machine - ISBN 0-553-48453-2
Star Wars Galaxy of Fear 5 - Ghost of the Jedi - ISBN 0-553-48454-0
Star Wars Galaxy of Fear 6 - Army of Terror - ISBN 0-553-48455-9
Star Wars Galaxy of Fear 7 - The Brain Spiders - ISBN 0-553-48637-3
Star Wars Galaxy of Fear 8 - The Swarm - ISBN 0-553-48638-1
Star Wars Galaxy of Fear 10 - The Doomsday Ship - ISBN 0-553-48640-3
Star Wars Galaxy of Fear 11 - Clones - ISBN 0-553-48641-1
Star Wars Galaxy of Fear 12 - The Hunger - ISBN 0-553-48642-X
Star Wars - The Making of Episode I - ISBN 0-345-43119-7 (softcover)
Star Wars - The Making of Episode I - ISBN 0-345-43111-1 (hardcover)
Star Wars - The Art of Dave Dorman - ISBN 1-56649-019-7
House of Collectibles Price Guide To Star Wars Collectibles - ISBN 0-876-37995-1
Star Wars - The Visual Dictionary - 1998 - ISBN 0-7894-3481-4
Star Wars (UK Comics Magazine) - Dark Horse - 1992-1993
1 (quantity: 5), 2 (quantity: 3), 3 (quantity: 3),
4 (quantity: 2), 5 (quantity: 1), 6 (quantity: 2),
7 (quantity: 2), 8 (quantity: 2), 9 (quantity: 2),
10 (quantity: 3)
Articles from Wizard, ToyFare, Overstreet, Sci-Fi Universe,
Sci-Fi Entertainment, Tomart's Action Figure Digest,
Lee's Action Figure News & Toy Review [more in Box 74]

Box 50 Books and Calendars
Classic Star Wars: A New Hope TPB 1 (Dark Horse)
Classic Star Wars: A New Hope TPB 3 (Dark Horse) (quantity: 3)
Classic Star Wars: A New Hope TPB 4 (Dark Horse) (quantity: 3)
Classic Star Wars: A New Hope TPB 5 (Dark Horse)
Classic Star Wars: A New Hope TPB 6 (Dark Horse) (quantity: 3)
Episode I - Queen Amidala - 18 month calendar - Jul 1999 - Dec 2000
Episode I - Jar Jar Binks - 18 month calendar - Jul 1999 - Dec 2000
Episode I - Darth Maul - 18 month calendar - Jul 1999 - Dec 2000
Episode I - Obi-wan Kenobi - 18 month calendar - Jul 1999 - Dec 2000
Darth Vader - 2000 calendar (quantity: 2)
Han Solo - 2000 calendar (quantity: 2)
Yoda - 2000 calendar (quantity: 2)
C-3PO & R2-D2 - 2000 calendar (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Panorama Book - Random House - 1981
Star Wars - May The Force Be With You - 1999 Datebook - ISBN 0-7683-3243-5
Star Wars - Book of Days - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-7509-4 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars - Battle of the Bounty Hunters - 1996 - Dark Horse - ISBN 1-56971-129-1 (quantity: 2)
Episode I - The Phantom Menace - book and CD - 1999 - ISBN 1-56826-997-8 - Kid Rhino - includes Micro Machines Sith Interceptor
Episode I - The Phantom Menace - book and cassette - 1999 - ISBN 1-56826-996-X - Kid Rhino - includes Micro Machines Sith Interceptor
Episode I - Junior Jedi Training Manual - book and CD - 1999 - ISBN 0-7379-0003-2 - Kid Rhino - includes "Official Jedi Knight" patch
Star Wars The Mixed-Up Droid - book and cassette - TW Kids - ISBN 1-57042-274-5 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars - book and cassette - 1997 - Disney - ISBN 0-7634-0195-1
Empire Strikes Back - book and cassette - 1997 - Disney - ISBN 0-7634-0194-3
Return of the Jedi - book and cassette - 1997 - Disney - ISBN 0-7634-0193-5
Star Wars Luke Skywalker's Race Against Time - includes Micro Machines X-Ray Fleet X-Wing Starfighter - Fun Works - 1998 - ISBN 1-57082-824-5
Star Wars Han Solo's Rescue Mission - includes Micro Machines X-Ray Fleet Millennium Falcon - Fun Works - 1998 - ISBN 1-57082-823-7
Star Wars Behind-the-Scenes - 30 postcards - ISBN 0-8118-1179-4
Star Wars The Toys - 30 postcards - ISBN 0-8118-1153-0
Star Wars Diary - Queen Amidala - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-8243-0
Star Wars Diary - Queen Amidala - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-8186-8
Empire Building - The Remarkable Real Life Story of Star Wars - ISBN 0-8065-2087-6
Episode I - The Phantom Menace - Illustrated Screenplay - Del Rey - ISBN 0-345-43110-3
Star Wars Journal - Episode I - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-8242-2
Star Wars Mos Espa Arena Prodracing on Tatooine (journal) - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-8185-X
Official Price Guide Star Trek and Star Wars Collectibles - 0-876-37831-9
Star Heroes Colletor - ISBN 3-929025-31-0
Episode I (miniature book) - ISBN 0-8118-2315-6
Return of the Jedi (miniature book) - ISBN 0-8118-1494-7
Star Wars (miniature book) - ISBN 0-8118-1480-7
Empire Strikes Back (miniature book) - ISBN 0-8118-1482-3
Star Wars X-Wing Pocket Manual Pop-Up Book - ISBN 0-7624-0320-9
Star Wars TIE Fighter Pocket Manual Pop-Up Book - ISBN 0-7624-0319-5
Star Wars Episode I What's What Pocket Guide - ISBN 0-7624-0520-1
Star Wars Who's Who Pocket Guide - ISBN 0-7624-0321-7
Star Wars Collectibles Pocket Guide - ISBN 0-7624-0322-5
Star Wars Episode I Trade Federation Starfighter Journal with Bookmark - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-8183-3
Star Wars Episode I Journal with Bookmark and Bookplate - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-8184-1 - Limited Edition # 011808
Star Wars Episode I Journal with Bookmark and Bookplate - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-8184-1 - Limited Edition # 016374
Star Wars Episode I Queen Amidala Journal with Bookmark - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-8240-6
Star Wars Episode I Qui-Gon Jinn Journal with Bookmark - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-8239-2
Star Wars Episode I Darth Maul Journal with Bookmark - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-8241-4
The Empire Strikes Back Pop-Up Book - Random House - 1980 - ISBN 0-394-84413-0
Space Adventure Collectibles - Tomart - ISBN 0-914293-09-5
Star Wars Pop-Up Book - Random House - 1978 - ISBN 0-394-83754-1 (poor condition)
Star Wars Cookbook II - Darth Malt and more Galactic Recipes - ISBN 0-8118-2803-4
Star Wars Cookbook - Wookiee Cookies and other Galactic Recipes - ISBN 0-8118-2184-6 (quantity: 2)
Shiny As a Droid - Random House - 1986 - ISBN 0-394-87867-1
Star Wars - The Maverick Moon - Random House - 1979 - ISBN 0-394-84087-9 (Night cover)
Star Wars - The Maverick Moon - Random House - 1979 - ISBN 0-394-84087-9 (Day cover) (quantity: 2)
Star Wars - Chewbacca's Activity Book - Random House - 1979 - ISBN 0-394-84034-8
Star Wars - The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot - Random House - 1979 - ISBN 0-394-84086-0 (softcover)
Star Wars - The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot - Random House - 1979 - ISBN 0-394-84086-0 (hardcover)
Escape from the Monster Ship - A Droid Adventure - Random House - 1986 - ISBN 0-394-87864-7
Return of the Jedi - The Ewoks Join the Fight - Random House - 1983 - ISBN 0-394-85858-1 (quantity: 2)
Return of the Jedi - The Ewoks Save the Day Pop-Up Book - Random House - 1983 - ISBN 0-394-86118-3
Return of the Jedi - Han Solo's Rescue Pop-Up Book - Random House - 1983 - ISBN 0-394-86112-4
Star Wars - C-3PO's Book About Robots - Random House - 1983 - ISBN 0-394-85690-2
Episode I - I am a Droid - 1999 - Random House - ISBN 0-375-80025-5
Episode I - I am a Jedi - 1999 - Random House - ISBN 0-375-80026-3
Episode I - Anakin's Race for Freedom - 1999 - Random House - ISBN 0-375-80027-1
Star Wars - A New Hope - 1997 - Golden Books - ISBN 0-307-13067-3
Star Wars - Return of the Jedi - 1997 - Golden Books - ISBN 0-307-13069-X
Star Wars - Pilots and Spacecraft - 1997 - Golden Books - ISBN 0-307-13480-6
Star Wars Posters to Color - Golden Books - 1997 - 0-307-10577-6
Star Wars A New Hope Play a Sound - 1997 - ISBN 0-7853-2176-4

Box 51 Newspapers
Austin American-Statesman - February 20, 1997
Austin American-Statesman - February 2, 1997
Austin American-Statesman - February 1, 1997 (quantity: 16)
Life & Arts section from Austin American-Statesman - February 1, 1997 (quantity: 3)
Life & Arts section from Austin American-Statesman - May 14, 1999
Life & Arts section from Austin American-Statesman - May 16, 1999
Life & Arts section from Austin American-Statesman - May 17, 1999
Life & Arts section from Austin American-Statesman - May 18, 1999
Life & Arts section from Austin American-Statesman - May 21, 1999
XL ent. from Austin American-Statesman - February 20, 1997 (quantity: 2)
XL ent. from Austin American-Statesman - May 28, 1998
XL ent. from Austin American-Statesman - January 30, 1997
XL ent. from Austin American-Statesman - May 13, 1999
Movies section from Austin American-Statesman - January 31, 1997
Movies section from Austin American-Statesman - May 19, 1999
Movies section from Austin American-Statesman - May 21, 1999
The Austin Chronicle - January 31, 1997 (quantity: 3)
The Austin Chronicle - March 14, 1997 (quantity: 2)
The Austin Chronicle - February 21, 1997 (quantity: 3)
The Austin Chronicle - February 14, 1997
The Austin Chronicle - May 7, 1993 (quantity: 5)
USA Today - January 31 thru February 2, 1997 (weekend edition)
The Daily Texan - May 7, 1999
USA Today - May 3, 1999
Kmart Episode I advertisement
Toys'r'Us Episode I advertisement
Target Episode I advertisement
JCPenny Episode I advertisement
Comics Buyers Guide - January 19, 1993
Metallic Impressions Collector Cards - Return of the Jedi - Series 3 (quantity: 3)

Box 52 Trading Cards
box of Topps Star Wars Episode I Widevision (quantity: 3)
box of Topps Star Wars Episode I Widevision Series Two (quantity: 3)
box of Topps Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Widevision (quantity: 4) (in case)
box of Topps Star Wars Galaxy
box of Topps Star Wars Galaxy (empty box)
box of Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series Two
box of Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series Three
box of Topps Star Wars Finest
box of Topps Star Wars Episode I
box of Topps MasterVisions Collector Cards (opened)
box of Topps MasterVisions Collector Cards
box of Decipher Star Wars CCG Reflections boosters
box of Decipher Star Wars Episode I Young Jedi CCG (Battle of Naboo) boosters
box of Decipher Star Wars Episode I Young Jedi CCG (Battle of Naboo) starters
Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Attack of the Clones 2-Player Trading Card Game
box of Decipher Star Wars CCG Endor (empty box)
assorted cards from Decipher Star Wars CCG Endor

Box 53 Trading Cards and Chromart
Topps Widevision Binder containing
Topps Widevision Star Wars #00
Topps Widevision Empire Strikes Back promo card - P3
Topps Widevision Empire Strikes Back promo card - P6
Topps Widevision Attack of the Clones promo card - P1

Topps Widevision Binder containing
Topps Widevision Star Wars #00

Topps Star Wars Galaxy Binder containing
Topps Star Wars Galaxy (foil) 7-12, extra 9, extra 12
Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series Two - 141-275

Binder containing
Topps Star Wars Galaxy 1-140
Topps Star Wars Galaxy (foil) 1-6, extra 1, extra 2
Topps Star Wars Galaxy promo card
Topps Star Wars Galaxy Two promo card - P1
Topps Star Wars: The Truce at Bakura promo card (quantity: 2)
Return of the Jedi Collections - Kenner action figure insert - 1983
Ten Year Anniversary THX Celebration ANH Ticket Stubs (quantity: 2)
Ten Year Anniversary THX Celebration ESB Ticket Stubs (quantity: 2)
Ten Year Anniversary THX Celebration ROJ Ticket Stubs (quantity: 2)
Ten Year Anniversary THX Celebration Advertisements (quantity: 4)
A One Time Exclusive Celebration - Star Wars Trilogy Ticket Stubs (quantity: 4) - May 20, 1993

Topps Star Wars Finest Binder containing
Topps Star Wars Finest Binder card
An almost complete set of Decipher Star Wars CCG cards

Box of 100 plastic card pages

Chromart display containing
Millennium Falcon 3D Hologram
A huge set of 4x6 and 8x10 postcards
Chromart Chromium Print - Han Solo and Jabba (ANH)
Chromart Chromium Print - Tie Figher Blueprint (glow in the dark)
Chromart Chromium Print - X-Wing Blueprint (glow in the dark)
Chromart Chromium Print - Return of the Jedi (quantity: 4)
Chromart Chromium Print - Empire Strikes Back
Chromart Chromium Print - Star Wars
Chromart Chromium Print - Vader (black and gold) (quantity: 2)
Chromart Chromium Print - Imperial Walkers on Hoth (quantity: 2)
Chromart Chromium Print - Star Destroyers attacking Millennium Falcon (quantity: 2)
Chromart Chromium Print - C-3PO & R2-D2 on Hoth (quantity: 2)
Chromart Chromium Print - Vader (full body) (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Trilogy 11x14 Moviecards (set of 8) (quantity: 3)
Vehicle Blueprint Portfolio (set of 8) (quantity: 3)

Box 54 Pewter
Episode I Pewter Naboo Starfighter - Rawcliffe
Episode I Pewter Darth Maul - Rawcliffe
Episode I Pewter Federation Droid Starfighter - Rawcliffe
Episode I Pewter Qui-Gon Jinn - Rawcliffe
Episode I Pewter Anakin - Rawcliffe
Episode I Pewter Obi-Wan Kenobi - Rawcliffe
Darth Vader Speaker Phone (full body) (quantity: 2)
Darth Maul Portable CD-Player (walkman)
Gold (plastic) Imperial Shuttle in Display case
Pewter Darth Vader TIE Fighter with display base (quantity: 2)
Pewter Millennium Falcon with display base
Pewter X-Wing Fighter with display base

Box 55 Ceramic / Porcelain
Darth Vader figurine - Sigma - Return of the Jedi
Luke Skywalker figurine - Sigma - Return of the Jedi
Klaatu Mug - Sigma - Return of the Jedi
Gammorrean Guard Mug - Sigma - Return of the Jedi
Princess Leia Mug - Sigma - Return of the Jedi
Lando Calrissian Mug - Sigma - Return of the Jedi
Emperor Mug - Sigma - Return of the Jedi
Bib Fortuna Mug - Sigma - Return of the Jedi
Han Solo Mug - Applause - 1996
Darth Vader - Sigma
C-3PO Mug - Applause - 1996
Darth Vader Mug - Rumph - 1977
Darth Vader Mug
Darth Vader Bank (head)
Star Wars Mug - 1994
Return of the Jedi Mug - 1994
Empire Strikes Back Stein - CUI - 1994

Box 56
EMPTY Clone Wars Cartoon Action Figure box - Anakin Skywalker
EMPTY Clone Wars Cartoon Action Figure box - Mace Windu
EMPTY Clone Wars Cartoon Action Figure box - Asajj Ventress
EMPTY Clone Wars Cartoon Action Figure box - Obi-Wan Kenobi
EMPTY Star Wars Han Solo's Rescue Mission - includes Micro Machines X-Ray Fleet Millennium Falcon - Fun Works - 1998 - ISBN 1-57082-823-7
EMPTY Chewbacca Pez Dispenser
EMPTY Star Wars Film Frame box
EMPTY Star Wars Decipher CCG Premiere Starter Deck box (quantity: 2)
Star World Figure Case (knock off)
Episode I Puzz 3D - Gungan Sub
Complete Set of 5 Lightsaber Pens from Cereal (see Box 1)
Extra Mace Windu Lightsaber Pen
Star Wars Kite - Darth Vader TIE Fighter plus wingmen in trench
Star Wars Kite - Millennium Falcon in Death Star II attack
Star Wars Posters Display with X-Wing Mobile (1977)
Star Wars Display - General Mills 1977
Complete Set of 9 AOTC Puzzle Pieces from frito lay plus 1 Clone Trooper
10 Frito Lay inserts that go with the AOTC Puzzle Pieces
Space Force Light Sword (knock off)
13 oz. Golden Grahams box (unfolded) with AOTC Movie Cash - Jango Fett
12 oz. Trix box (unfolded) with AOTC Movie Cash - Anakin Skywalker
EMPTY Star Wars Dark Forces Collector's Trilogy CD Radio Drama box
Standee order plackard
Insert from Star Wars Trilogy: The Definitive Collection
Episode I Christmas Gift Tags (opened and partially used)
Artwork from Paritosho
DK "Please don't steal the droids..." display with pad of order forms
extra pad of order forms from DK "Please don't steal the droids..." display
dust jacket from Episode I The Phantom Menace hardcover book - ISBN 0-345-42765-3 (quantity: 2) featuring Darth Maul on front and Darth Sidious on back
Display promoting 4 different covers to Episode I The Phantom Menace hardcover book
Star Wars Gift Bag from Hallmark 1998 (quantity: 3)
Return of the Jedi Tote Bag (briefcase) - 1983
Presto Magix Transfers - Return of the Jedi - 1983
28 assorted unfolded cereal boxes (same as those in Box 1) with some offers clipped out and movie tickets removed
Star Wars R2-D2 Mild Formula Galactic Glycercin Soap
Wicket the Ewok stuffed bear doll from 1983

Box 57 West End Games RPG Books
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim - ISBN 0-87431-192-6
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters - ISBN 0-87431-207-8
Star Wars The Roleplaying Game - Second Edition - ISBN 0-87431-181-0
Star Wars The Roleplaying Game - ISBN 0-87431-065-2
The Star Wars Rebel Alliance Sourcebook (softcover) - ISBN 0-87431-178-0
The Star Wars Rebel Alliance Sourcebook (hardcover) - ISBN 0-87431-109-8
The Star Wars Sourcebook - 1987 - ISBN 0-87431-066-0
The Star Wars Rules Companion - ISBN 0-87431-147-0
Star Wars Gamemaster Screen for Second Edition - 1992 - ISBN 0-87431-183-7
Star Wars Campaign Pack - 1988 - ISBN 0-87431-068-7
Star Wars Imperial Sourcebook - ISBN 0-87431-135-7
Planets of the Galaxy: Volume Two - ISBN 0-87431-180-2
Planets of the Galaxy: Volume One - ISBN 0-87431-121-7
Planets of the Galaxy: Volume Three - ISBN 0-87431-196-9
Death Star Technical Companion 1991 - ISBN 0-87431-120-9
Death Star Technical Companion 1993 - ISBN 0-87431-120-9
Cracken's Rebel Field Guide - ISBN 0-87431-118-7
Star Wars Wanted By Cracken - ISBN 0-87431-187-X - UPC 0-18874-40062-8
Star Wars Fantastic Technology: Droids - ISBN 0-87431-299-X
Star Wars The Jedi Academy Sourcebook - ISBN 0-87431-274-4
Star Wars Goroth Slave of the Empire - ISBN 0-87431-250-7
Star Wars Creatures of the Galaxy - ISBN 0-87431-221-3
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens - Enemies and Allies - ISBN 0-87431-263-9
Star Wars Heroes & Rogues - ISBN 0-87431-258-2
Platt's Smuggler's Guide - ISBN 0-87431-508-5
Pirates & Privateers - ISBN 0-87431-294-9
Star Wars Gamemaster Screen - Revised - 1996 - ISBN 0-87431-288-4
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook - ISBN 0-87431-281-7
The Star Wars Roleplaying Game - Second Edition - Revised and Expanded - ISBN 0-87431-435-6
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races 1994 - ISBN 0-87431-208-6
Star Wars Cracken's Rebel Operatives - ISBN 0-87431-218-3
Star Wars The New Republic - The Last Command Sourcebook - ISBN 0-87431-197-7
Star Wars Miniatures Battles Companion - ISBN 0-87431-216-7
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations - ISBN 0-87431-219-1
Star Wars Sourcebook - Second Edition - 1994 - ISBN 0-87431-211-6
Star Wars The New Republic - Heir to the Empire Sourcebook (hardcover) - ISBN 0-87431-179-9
Star Wars The New Republic - Heir to the Empire Sourcebook (softcover) - ISBN 0-87431-186-1
Scoundrel's Luck - Star Wars Solitaire Adventure Game - ISBN 0-87431-112-8
Jedi's Honor - Star Wars Solitaire Adventure Game - ISBN 0-87431-111-X
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope - ISBN 0-87431-125-X
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin - ISBN 0-87431-126-8
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races 1989 - ISBN 0-87431-137-3
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back - ISBN 0-87431-127-6
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi - ISBN 0-87431-140-3
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley - ISBN 0-87431-187-X - UPC 0-18874-40069-7
Star Wars Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts - ISBN 0-87431-188-8
Star Wars The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook - ISBN 0-87431-198-5
Star Wars Fantastic Technology - ISBN 0-87431-215-9
Star Wars Alliance Intelligence Reports - ISBN 0-87431-260-4
Star Wars Gamemasters Handbook - Second Edition - ISBN 0-87431-185-3
Star Wars Dark Empire Sourcebook - ISBN 0-87431-194-2
Star Wars The New Republic - Dark Force Rising Sourcebook - ISBN 0-87431-182-9

Box 58 Books and Magazines
The Star Wars Storybook (softcover) - Scholastic - 1978 - ISBN 0-590-09269-3
Return of the Jedi (hardcover) - Random House - 1983 - ISBN 0-394-85624-4 (quantity: 3)
Return of the Jedi (hardcover) - Weekly Reader - 1983 - ISBN 0-394-85624-4
Return of the Jedi Sketchbook - Ballantine - 1983 - ISBN 0-345-30959-6
The Star Wars Question and Answer Book about Space (softcover) - Scholastic - ISBN 0-590-30065-2
George Lucas - The Creative Impulse - ISBN 0-8109-3564-3
Sci-Fi Now - 1978 - ISBN 0-7064-0812-8
Yoda's Activity Book - 1981 - ISBN 0-394-84689-3
Return of the Jedi Addition and Subtraction - Happy House - 1983 - ISBN 0-394-85978-2
The Empire Strikes Back Storybook (softcover) - Scholastic - 1980 - ISBN 0-590-31791-1
Return of the Jedi - Official Collector's Edition - 1983 - Paradise Press
The Empire Strikes Back Storybook (hardcover) - Random House - 1980 - ISBN 0-394-84414-9
The Empire Strikes Back Coloring Book - 1982 - Kenner
The Empire Strikes Back Notebook - 1980 - Ballantine - ISBN 0-345-28834-3
Return of the Jedi - Scholastic (softcover) - 1983 - ISBN 0-590-32929-4
Return of the Jedi - Monster Activity Book - Happy House - 1983 - ISBN 0-394-85896-4
The White Witch - A Droid Adventure - Happy House - 1986 - ISBN 0-394-87972-4
Return of the Jedi - Dot-to-Dot Fun - Happy House - 1983 - ISBN 0-394-85898-0
The Star Wars Iron-On Transfer Book - Ballantine - 1977 - ISBN 0-345-27491-1
The Star Wars Question and Answer Book about Computers - Random House - ISBN 0-394-85686-4
The Ewoks and the Lost Children - Random House - 1985 - ISBN 0-394-87186-3
The Star Wars Storybook (hardcover) - Random House - 1978 - ISBN 0-394-83785-1 (quantity: 2)
The Star Wars Question and Answer Book about Space (hardcover) - Random House - ISBN 0-394-84053-4
The Empire Strikes Back Official Poster Monthly - 1980-1981 - Issues 1,2,4,5
Star Wars (UK Comics Magazine) - 2000 - Issues 24, 27
Star Wars Official Poster Monthly - 1977 - Issues 1, 2, 3, 6, 10
Episode I Official Poster Magazine - Heroes - Topps
Episode I Official Souvenir Magazine - Topps - bagged with 2 Chromium Widevision Trading Cards
Star Wars Collectibles - Toy Shop - 1999 - Issue 1
Episode I Official Poster Magazine - Villains - Topps
Star Wars Boba Fett - 1998 - Topps
The Best of Star Wars - 1998 - Topps
Star Wars Galaxy Collector - Topps - bagged with 2 Oversized Widevision Trading Cards and 1 3D Widevision Trading Card
Star Wars Kids - 1999-2000 - Issues 1, 2, 3, 4 (quantity: 2), 5, 7, Sampler
Lucasfilm Fan Club 1, 4, 6, 8, 12, 15, 16, 22
Star Wars Insider 23 (quantity: 2), 24 (quantity: 2), 25 (quantity: 2), 26 (quantity: 2), 27, 28 (quantity: 2), 29, 30, 31 (quantity: 2), 32 (quantity: 2), 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 (quantity: 2), 39, 40, 41 (quantity: 2), 42, 43 (both covers), 44, 45 (both covers), 46, 47
Bantha Tracks Welcome Letter
Bantha Tracks Issues 14, 15, 16, 17
1980 Fan Club Form
Bantha Tracks Empire Strikes Back Poster Album
1983 Press Kit (I think) Introducing the Ewoks with a slide, manually typed description, and b/w photos
1980 Press Kit (I think) Introducing Yoda with a manually typed description and b/w photos
Official Star Wars Lucasfilm Fan Club kit - 1984

Box 59 Books
Episode I Queen Amidala Coloring Book - 2000 - ISBN 0-375-80525-7
Star Wars Learning Fun Book (Pre-K) - Writing Letters A to Z - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80006-9
Return of the Jedi - Pull-Out Poster Book - Scholastic - 1997 - ISBN 0-590-06663-3
Empire Strikes Back - Pull-Out Poster Book - Scholastic - 1997 - ISBN 0-590-06657-9
Star Wars (Storybook) - Scholastic - 1997 - ISBN 0-590-06654-4
Return of the Jedi - Pencil Tablet - 1983
The Star Wars Sketchbook - Joe Jonston - Ballantine - 1977 - ISBN 0-345-27380-X
Star Wars Weekly (UK comic book) - Marvel - 1978 - Issues 2, 3, 87
Return of the Jedi - The 1984 Ewok Calendar - ISBN 0-394-86111-6 (quantity: 2)
Return of the Jedi Coloring Book - Kenner - 1983
Return of the Jedi - Dot-to-Dot Fun - Happy House - 1983 - ISBN 0-394-85898-0
The Empire Strikes Back Storybook (softcover) - Scholastic - 1980 - ISBN 0-590-31791-1
Empire Strikes Back Coloring Book - Kenner - 1980
Star Wars - The Training of a Jedi Knight - 1997 - Golden Books - ISBN 0-307-03638-3
Star Wars - Sticker Book - 1997 - Golden Books - ISBN 0-307-07608-3 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars - The Rebel Alliance vs. The Imperial Forces - 1997 - Golden Books - ISBN 0-307-03637-5
Star Wars - Heroes & Villains - 1997 - Golden Books - ISBN 0-307-08679-8 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars - Galactic Adventures - 1997 - Golden Books - ISBN 0-307-08698-4
Empire Strikes Back Original Movie Script - 1994 - Premiere - ISBN 1-56693-307-2
Return of the Jedi Original Movie Script - 1994 - Premiere - ISBN 1-56693-304-8
Movie Storybook Trilogy - 1987 - Random House - ISBN 0-394-89327-1
Episode I Scrapbook - 1999 - Random House - ISBN 0-375-80008-5
The Ultimate Episode I Sticker Book - 1999 - DK - ISBN 0-7894-3964-6
Episode I Great Big Flap Book - 1999 - Random House - ISBN 0-375-80010-7
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe - 1995 - Bantam - ISBN 0-553-09302-9
Mad Magazine - Star Wars Spectacular - 1996
Time Magazine - The Return of Star Wars - 1997
Wired Magazine - George Lucas interview
Star Quest Comix Magazine - Star Wars Revisited - 1978
Famous Monsters Star Wars Spectacular - 1977
Sci-Fi Universe - Galactica vs. Star Wars - 1995
Fantastic Films Colectors Edition #20 - Clone Wars Explained - 1980
Famous Monsters - Star Wars: More About It - Issue #147 - 1978
Vanity Fair - Star Wars: The Force Is Back At Last! - 1999
Comic Shop News - Star Wars Galaxy - 1994 - Issue 354 (quantity: 3)
Comic Shop News - Star Wars: Dark Lords of the Sith - 1994 - Issue 382 (quantity: 6)
Comic Shop News - Star Wars: Dark Empire II - 1994 - Winter Preview Issue
Comic Shop News - article on comics adaptations of Zahn novels - 1995 - Issue 429
Fantastic Films - Special Edition #22 - From Star Wars To Empire Strikes Back - 1981
Fantastic Films - Special Edition #21 - Asteroid Worm Captured - 1981
Fantastic Films - Empire Strikes Back - 1980 - Collectors Edition #17
Fantastic Films - From Star Wars to Empire - 1981 - Collectors Edition #23
Bananas (magazine) - 1983 - Scholastic - Issue 62
Cracked Special - Fall 1980
Star Force - Collector's Edition - The Empire Strikes Back - 1980
Science Fantasy Film Classics - featuring Star Wars - 1977
American Film Magazine - article on George Lucas - 1983
Star Wars Scrapbook - The Essential Collection - Sansweet - 1998 - ISBN 0-8118-2060-2
Time Magazine - Episode I - 1999 (quantity: 2)
Mad Magazine - Star Wars Spectacular - 1999 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Galaxy Collector - Topps - 1998 - Issue 3 - bagged with 2 Episode I cards
Star Wars Technical Journal Vol. #1 of the Planet Tatooine - Starlog - 1993
Star Wars Galaxy Collector - Topps - 1999 - Issue 6 - bagged with 2 Episode I trading cards (one widevision) and a Darth Maul poster
Star Wars Galaxy Collector - Topps - 1999 - Issue 6
Star Wars Galaxy Collector - Topps - 1999 - Issue 7 - bagged with 2 Episode I Series 2 trading cards and Hasbro/Galoob toy poster (quantity: 2)
Mad Magazine - 1999 - Issue 383
Sci-Fi Collector - Beckett - 1999 - Issues 3,4
Hot Toys - Beckett - 1999 - Issue 12
Collecting Figures - Whites Guide - 1999 - Issue 54
Sci-Fi Flix - 1999
Retro Vision - 1998 - Issue 8
Star Wars: The Galactic Empire - Ships of the Fleet - ISBN 0-316-53510-9
Star Wars: The Rebel Alliance - Ships of the Fleet - ISBN 0-316-53509-5
Not Of This Earth Special Edition - Star Wars Spectacular - 1994
Comics Buyers Guide - Episode I - 1999 - Issue 1331

Box 60 Books
Star Wars X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble - Book 2 in series - 1996 - ISBN 0-553-56802-7
Star Wars X-Wing: Wraith Squadron - Book 5 in series - 1998 - ISBN 0-553-57894-4
Star Wars Tales of the Bounty Hunters - 1996 - ISBN 0-553-56816-7
Star Wars Tales From the Mos Eisley Cantina - 1995 - ISBN 0-553-56468-4
Star Wars Young Jedi Knights - Diversity Alliance - 1997 - ISBN 1-57297-234-3
Star Wars Tales From the Empire - 1997 - ISBN 0-553-57876-6
Star Wars The Courtship of Princess Leia - 1995 - ISBN 0-553-56937-6
Star Wars Rebel Dawn - Han Solo Trilogy - Volume 3 - 1998 - ISBN 0-553-57417-5
Star Wars The Hutt Gambit - Han Solo Trilogy - Volume 2 - 1997 - ISBN 0-553-57416-7
Star Wars The Paradise Snare - Han Solo Trilogy - Volume 1 - 1997 - ISBN 0-553-57415-9
Star Wars Tales From Jabba's Palace - 1995 - ISBN 0-553-56815-9
Star Wars X-Wing: Iron Fist - Book 6 in series - 1998 - ISBN 0-553-57897-9
Star Wars Planet of Twilight - 1997 - ISBN 0-553-57517-1
Star Wars X-Wing: The Bacta War - Book 4 in series - 1997 - ISBN 0-553-56804-3
Star Wars Young Jedi Knights - Trouble in Cloud City - 1998 - ISBN 0-425-16416-0
Star Wars Young Jedi Knights - Darkest Knight - 1996 - ISBN 1-57297-129-0
Star Wars Young Jedi Knights - Jedi Bounty - 1997 - ISBN 1-57297-297-1
Star Wars Shield of Lies - Book 2 of the Black Fleet Crisis - 1996 - ISBN 0-553-57277-6
Star Wars Tyrant's Test - Book 3 of the Black Fleet Crisis - 1997 - ISBN 0-553-57275-X
Star Wars Ambush at Corellia - Book 1 of Corellian Trilogy - 1995 - ISBN 0-553-29803-8
Star Wars Assault at Selonia - Book 2 of Corellian Trilogy - 1995 - ISBN 0-553-29805-4
Star Wars Before the Storm - Book 1 of the Black Fleet Crisis - 1996 - ISBN 0-553-57273-3
Star Wars The Mandalorian Armor - Book 1 of the Bounty Hunter Wars - 1998 - ISBN 0-553-57885-5
Star Wars Champions of the Force - Volume 3 of the Jedi Academy Trilogy - 1994 - ISBN 0-553-29802-X
The Official 1985 Price Guide To Toys - ISBN 0-87637-493-3
Return of the Jedi - The Illustrated Edition - Del Rey - 1983 - ISBN 0-345-30960-X (quantity: 2)
The Star Wars Trilogy - Del Rey - 1987 - ISBN 0-345-34806-0
The Official Price Guide to Star Trek and Star Wars Collectibles - Second Edition - 1987 - ISBN 0-876-37358-9
The Official Price Guide to Star Trek and Star Wars Collectibles - First Edition - 1986 - ISBN 0-876-37299-X
The Glove of Darth Vader - Bantam Skylark - Book 1 - ISBN 0-553-15887-2
The Lost City of the Jedi - Bantam Skylark - Book 2 - ISBN 0-553-15888-0
Zorba the Hutt's Revenge - Bantam Skylark - Book 3 - ISBN 0-553-15889-9
Mission from Mount Yoda - Bantam Skylark - Book 4 - ISBN 0-553-15890-2
Queen of the Empire - Bantam Skylark - Book 5 - ISBN 0-553-15891-0
Prophets of the Dark Side - Bantam Skylark - Book 6 - ISBN 0-553-15892-9
Star Wars Episode I Journal - Anakin Skywalker - Scholastic - 1999 - ISBN 0-590-52093-8
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace - 1999 - ISBN 0-590-01089-1
Star Wars Jedi Apprentice #2 - The Dark Rival - 1999 - ISBN 0-590-51925-5
Star Wars Jedi Apprentice #1 - The Rising Force - 1999 - ISBN 0-590-51922-0
Star Wars The National Public Radio (NPR) Radio Dramatization - 1994 - ISBN 0-345-39109-8
Empire Strikes Back The National Public Radio (NPR) Radio Dramatization - 1995 - ISBN 0-345-39605-7
Star Wars: The Annotated Screenplays - 1997 - ISBN 0-345-40981-7
The Ultimate Unauthorized Star Wars Trilogy Trivia Challenge - 1997 - ISBN 1-57566-185-3
The Empire Strikes Back - Del Rey - 1980 (hardcover)
Star Wars - Del Rey - 1976 (hardcover)
Star Wars Adventure Journal #1 - West End Games - 1994 - ISBN 0-87431-400-3
Star Wars Adventure Journal #2 - West End Games - 1994 - ISBN 0-87431-401-1
Star Wars Adventure Journal #3 - West End Games - 1994 - ISBN 0-87431-402-X
Star Wars Adventure Journal #4 - West End Games - 1994 - ISBN 0-87431-403-8
Star Wars Adventure Journal #5 - West End Games - 1995 - ISBN 0-87431-404-6
Star Wars Adventure Journal #6 - West End Games - 1995 - ISBN 0-87431-405-4
Star Wars Adventure Journal #7 - West End Games - 1995 - ISBN 0-87431-406-2
Star Wars Adventure Journal #8 - West End Games - 1995 - ISBN 0-87431-407-0
Star Wars Adventure Journal #9 - West End Games - 1996 - ISBN 0-87431-408-9
Star Wars Adventure Journal #10 - West End Games - 1996 - ISBN 0-87431-409-7
Star Wars Adventure Journal #11 - West End Games - 1996 - ISBN 0-87431-410-0
Star Wars Adventure Journal #12 - West End Games - 1997 - ISBN 0-87431-411-9
Star Wars Adventure Journal #13 - West End Games - 1997 - ISBN 0-87431-412-7
Star Wars Adventure Journal #14 - West End Games - 1997 - ISBN 0-87431-413-5
Star Wars Adventure Journal #15 - West End Games - 1997 - ISBN 0-87431-414-3
Star Wars - Book 1 - The Glove of Darth Vader; The Lost City of the Jedi; Zorba the Hutt's Revenge - Barnes & Noble - 1997 - ISBN 0-7607-0446-5 (hardcover)
Star Wars - Book 2 - Mission from Mount Yoda; Queen of the Empire; Prophets of the Dark Side - Barnes & Noble - 1997 - ISBN 0-7607-0447-3 (hardcover)
A Guide to the Star Wars Universe - Second Edition - Del Rey - 1994 - ISBN 0-345-38625-6 (quantity: 2)

Box 61 Audiobooks, PC Games, Mousepads
Star Wars Vision of the Future - 1998 - ISBN 0-553-47921-0
Star Wars Dark Empire - 1994 - ISBN 1-57042-083-1 (quantity: 3)
Star Wars Tales of the Jedi - 1995 - ISBN 1-57042-138-2 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith - 1995 - ISBN 1-57042-298-2 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars The Courtship of Princess Leia - 1994 - ISBN 0-553-47193-7 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Before the Storm - Book 1 of the Black Fleet Crisis - 1996 - ISBN 0-553-47422-7 (quantity: 3)
Star Wars X-Wing: The Krytos Trap - Book 3 in series - 1996 - ISBN 0-553-47420-0
Star Wars Specter of the Past - 1997 - ISBN 0-553-47893-1
Star Wars Slave Ship - Book 2 of the Bounty Hunter Wars - 1998 - ISBN 0-553-52533-6
Star Wars X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble - Book 2 in series - 1996 - ISBN 0-553-47419-7
Star Wars X-Wing: Isard's Revenge - Book 8 in series - 1999 - ISBN 0-553-52546-8
Star Wars The Mandalorian Armor - Book 1 of the Bounty Hunter Wars - 1998 - ISBN 0-553-52496-8
Star Wars: I, Jedi - 1998 - ISBN 0-553-47948-2
Star Wars Dark Empire II - 1995 - ISBN 1-57042-309-1
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire - 1996 - ISBN 0-553-47438-3 (quantity: 3)
Star Wars Assault at Selonia - Book 2 of Corellian Trilogy - 1995 - ISBN 0-553-47203-8 (quantity: 3)
Star Wars The Last Command - Volume 3 of Three-Book Cycle - 1993 - ISBN 0-553-47157-0
Star Wars Dark Force Rising - Volume 2 of Three-Book Cycle - 1992 - ISBN 0-553-47055-8 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Heir to the Empire - Volume 1 of Three-Book Cycle - 1991 - ISBN 0-553-19978-1
Star Wars Heir to the Empire - Volume 1 of Three-Book Cycle - 1991 - ISBN 0-553-45296-7
Hammertong - Special Promo Tape
Star Wars The Hutt Gambit - Han Solo Trilogy - Volume 2 - 1997 - ISBN 0-553-47745-5
Star Wars X-Wing: Solo Command - Book 7 in series - 1999 - ISBN 0-553-52539-5
Star Wars A New Hope - 1996 - ISBN 1-57662-018-2 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Showdown at Centerpoint - Book 3 of Corellian Trilogy - 1995 - ISBN 0-553-47204-6
Star Wars Ambush at Corellia - Book 1 of Corellian Trilogy - 1995 - ISBN 0-553-47202-X
Star Wars X-Wing: Rogue Squadron - Book 1 in series - 1996 - ISBN 0-553-47418-9
Star Wars Darksaber - 1995 - ISBN 0-553-47423-5
Star Wars The Paradise Snare - Han Solo Trilogy - Volume 1 - 1997 - ISBN 0-553-47744-7
Star Wars Children of the Jedi - 1995 - ISBN 0-553-47195-3
Star Wars The Truce at Bakura - 1993 - ISBN 0-553-47197-X
Star Wars Nightlily: The Lover's Tale - 1995 - ISBN 0-553-47413-8
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace - LucasArts - Signed - PC Game
Star Wars Episode I Racer - LucasArts - Signed - PC Game
Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3D - LucasArts - PC Game
Star Wars Force Commander - LucasArts - Signed - PC Game
Star Wars Episode I Insider's Guide - LucasArts - PC Software
Star Wars Behind the Magic - LucasArts - PC Software
Empire Strikes Back Mousepad - Millennium Falcon in Asteroids
Rebel Assault Mousepad
Empire Strikes Back Mousepad - Yoda
Empire Strikes Back Mousepad - Darth Vader
Return of the Jedi Mousepad - Luke & Leia Swinging

Box 62 Misc
Episode I Clock
Several instructions for Standees
Empire Strikes Back Frisbee
Empire Strikes Back Space Trunk - Metal Box
Commemorative Pen from San Francisco Center for the Arts - Art of Star Wars - 1995 - Black on Red
Commemorative Pen from San Francisco Center for the Arts - Art of Star Wars - 1995 - Red on Black
Max Rebo in Organ action figure (loose)
AOTC Green Lightsaber - Hasbro - 2002
AOTC Purple Lightsaber - Hasbro - 2002
AOTC Blue Lightsaber - Hasbro - 2002
AOTC Red Lightsaber - Hasbro - 2002
1999 Star Wars Christmas Cards - Set of 10 - 2 Designs
Bantam 1996 Coming Attractions advertisement display
Star Wars Hologram - 1994 - Lord Darth Vader
Star Wars Hologram - 1994 - The Millennium Falcon
Darth Vader Yo-Yo package - empty
Stormtrooper Yo-Yo (unopened)
Darth Vader Yo-Yo (unopened)
Star Wars Puzzle Cube - Applause - 1995
UK Tin of Candy - 1996 - Darth Vader bust on top
Set of 4 Holograms on Stands - Millennium Falcon, X-Wing, R2-D2 & C-3PO, Darth Vader
Set of 5 Oral-B Toothbrushes - 1983 - Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, The Jedi Masters (Yoda, Anakin, Ben), Chewbacca & Han Solo, C-3PO & R2-D2
23kt gold foil trading card - 1995 - #268 of 10,000 (limited edition) - Millennium Falcon (at Death Star II)
23kt gold foil trading card - 1995 - #3176 of 10,000 (limited edition) - Darth Vader (leaning towards Luke in ESB)
Han Solo in Stormtrooper outfit (cereal offer) (5")
Vader and Star Destroyer - Micro Machines - Fan Club exclusive - 16692 of 68,000
Picture of Michael and Tim as Imperial Officers standing behind Darth Vader with Empire Strikes Back logo - souvenir from Disney World
Star Wars Pin - Boba Fett Logo (skull)
Star Wars Pin - Boba Fett Logo? (feather)
Star Wars Pin - Boba Fett: He's No Good to Me Dead
Star Wars Pin - R2-D2
Star Wars Pin - Rebel Insignia (large)
Star Wars Pin - Rebel Insignia (small) (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Pin - Rebel Insignia (open, no border) (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Pin - Star Tours
Star Wars Pin - Star Wars Twenty Years 1977-1997
Star Wars Button - Ask Me About Star Wars Comics
Star Wars The Magic of the Myth ticket - 2:30pm May 21, 1998 - National Air and Space Museum
The Art of Star Wars - 1995 - San Francisco Center for the Arts - flier
Star Wars Magic of the Myth magnet
Star Wars Flip Books (set of 3 unopened) - ISBN 1-57082-580-7
Decal Magic Window Art - Full Color - Static Cling - Darth Vader
Decal Magic Window Art - Full Color - Static Cling - R2-D2 & C-3PO
Decal Magic Window Art - Full Color - Static Cling - Millennium Falcon in Asteroids
Decal Magic Window Art - Full Color - Static Cling - Yoda
Topps Promo Card for Star Wars Vehicles collection - 1997
Star Wars 1996 Datebook (quantity: 2)
Promo Card for Topps Widevision Return of the Jedi
Promo Card for Topps Widevision Return of the Jedi - P5
Promo Card for Topps Widevision Empire Strikes Back - 1995
1995 - Decipher - Star Wars CCG - Promo flier (quantity: 3)
Envelope with Letter from Topps for free star wars cards from Bend-Em offer (quantity: 3) - includes Star Wars Galaxy #0, Star Wars Galaxy Checklist #140, Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 Promo P5
GTI Telecard - Darth Vader - Return of the Jedi - Prepaid Calling Card (Phone Card)
TIE Fighter Interactive Demo - PC
Star Tours Postcard - Endor
Star Tours Postcard - Tatooine
Star Tours Postcard - Bespin
C-3PO Greeting Card
Topps Widevision Empire Strikes Back Promo Card P1
Topps Widevision Empire Strikes Back Promo Card P4
Topps Widevision Star Wars Promo Card SWP1
Topps Widevision Star Wars Promo Card SWP2
Topps Widevision Star Wars Promo Card SWP4
Topps Widevision Star Wars Promo Card SWP5
Topps Widevision Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition Promo Card P3 (quantity: 2)
Topps Widevision Star Wars Galaxy 3 Promo Card P7
Topps Widevision Star Wars Galaxy 3 Promo Card P4
Topps Widevision Star Wars Galaxy 3 Promo Card
Topps Widevision Star Wars Galaxy Promo Card P6 (quantity: 3)
Kenner Action Masters - 1994 - Stormtrooper Card (quantity: 5)
Set of Topps Widevision Return of the Jedi Foil Cards C/1 - C/10
Topps Widevision Set of 6 Mini-Posters
Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 - #249 - Signed by Walter McDaniel
Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 - #212 - Signed by Tim Bradstreet
Star Wars Galaxy #136 - Signed By Al Williamson
Star Wars Galaxy #137 - Signed By Al Williamson
Star Wars Galaxy #80 - Signed By Jim Steranko
Star Wars Galaxy #81 - Signed By Jim Steranko
Empire Strikes Back Star Wars Action Figures Survival Kit from Kenner
Courtship of Princess Leia Bookmark
The Crystal Star Bookmark
The Truce at Bakura Bookmark
The Glove of Darth Vader Bookmark
Zorba The Hutt's Revenge Bookmark
Princess Leia Bend-Em (loose) (quantity: 2)
Kenner Action Masters Stormtrooper (loose) (quantity: 3)
Set of 68 assorted Star Wars magnets (there are duplicates)
Sticker: Features Original Star Wars Music and Sound Effects
R2-D2 Pez Dispenser (unopened)
Boba Fett Pez Dispenser (unopened)
Yoda Pez Dispenser (unopened)
Darth Vader Pez Dispenser (unopened)
Wicket Pez Dispenser (unopened)
Millennium Falcon T-zer Toy with stand - Applause

Box 63 Software, PC Games
Star Wars Monopoly CD-ROM Special Collector Edition - includes Anakin Skywalker Pewter Figure and 3 Collectible Coins
Star Wars Monopoly CD-ROM Edition
Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
Star Wars Yoda Stories
Star Wars Rebel Assault
Star Wars X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter - Balance of Power Campaigns
Star Warped - A Parody on CD-ROM
Star Wars X-Wing: Imperial Pursuit
Star Wars X-Wing: Space Combat Simulator
The Software Toolworks Star Wars Chess
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Droidworks
Star Wars Trilogy CD-ROM - Limited Edition Entertainment Utility
Star Wars X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Empire Strikes Back Audioclips
Return of the Jedi Audioclips
Star Wars Audioclips

Box 64 Masks
MISSING Darth Maul
Boss Nass
Nute Gunray
Jar Jar Binks

Box 65 Magazines
17 issues of Non-Sports Update
11 issues of Action Figure News and Toy Review
6 issues of Cinescape
10 issues of Action Figure Digest
12 issues of Wizard
10 issues of ToyFare
3 issues of Sharper Image
14 issue of Cards Illustrated
6 issues of Starlog
2 issues of Xpose
1 issue of Cinefantastique
1 issue of Femme Fatales
2 issues of Sci-Fi Teen
3 issues of StarBurst
1 issue of Sci-Fi Collector
5 issues of Premiere
1 issue of Entertainment Weekly
5 issues of Star Wars Technical Journal
1 issue of Mad Magazine
1 issue of Collect!
20 issues of Star Wars Galaxy Magazine
Episode I Official Poster Magazine - Heroes - Topps (quantity: 2)
Episode I Official Poster Magazine - Villains - Topps (quantity: 2)
Star Wars - Official 20th Anniversary Commemorative Magazine - Topps (quantity: 2)
1 issue of P.S.X.
2 issues of Scrye
1 issue of EGM2
1994 Science Fiction Annual
1 issue of Star Wars Galaxy Collector
Star Wars: The Death Star - Little, Brown - 1997 - ISBN 0-316-93592-1
4 issues of Sci-Fi Universe
2 issues of Sci-Fi Invasion
5 issues of Hero Illustrated
1 issue of Combo
2 issues of Inquest
11 issues of Non-Sport Update
4 issues of Go Figure!

Box 66 Trading Cards
Decipher Star Wars CCG Cloud City Sealed Box of boosters (quantity: 2)
Decipher Star Wars CCG Jabba's Palace Sealed Box of boosters (quantity: 2)
Decipher Star Wars CCG Premier Sealed Box of boosters
Decipher Star Wars CCG Special Edition Sealed Box of boosters
Decipher Star Wars CCG Hoth Sealed Box of boosters
Topps Star Wars Widevision Sealed Box
Topps Star Wars Finest Sealed Box
Topps Return of the Jedi Widevision Sealed Box (quantity: 5)
Topps Shadows of the Empire Sealed Box
Topps Star Wars Galaxy Sealed Box (quantity: 2)
Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 Opened Box
Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 2 Sealed Box (quantity: 2)
Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series 3 Sealed Box (quantity: 3)
Wizards of the Coast Star Wars CCG Sealed Box - A New Hope (quantity: 2)
Wizards of the Coast Star Wars CCG Sealed Box - Attack of the Clones (quantity: 2)
Metallic Images Collector Cards - Series 1 - A New Hope (quantity: 2)

Box 67 Books
Star Wars Incredible Cross-Sections - DK - 1998 - ISBN 0-7894-3480-6
Episode I Incredible Cross-Sections - DK - 1999 - ISBN 0-7894-3962-X
Epizida I Neuveritelne Pohledy - Egmont - 1999 - ISBN 80-7186-348-3 (from Slovakia)
The Art of Star Wars Galaxy - Topps - 1993 - ISBN 1-883313-01-5
The Art of Star Wars Galaxy Volume 2 - Topps - 1994 - ISBN 1-883313-03-1 (chromium cover)
The Art of Star Wars Episode I - Del Rey - ISBN 0-345-43108-1
From Star Wars to Indiana Jones - The Best of the Lucasfilm Archives - 1994 - ISBN 0-8118-0997-8 (hardcover)
The Art of Star Wars Galaxy - Topps - (deluxe signed edition)
The Art of Star Wars - A New Hope - 1994 - ISBN 0-345-39202-7
The Art of Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back - 1994 - ISBN 0-345-39203-5
The Art of Star Wars - Return of the Jedi - 1994 - ISBN 0-345-39204-3
Star Wars The Mos Eisley Cantina Pop-Up Book - 1995 - ISBN 0-316-53511-7
Industrial Light & Magic - The Art of Special Effects - Del Rey - ISBN 0-345-32263-0 (hardcover)
Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas - ISBN 0-8109-3640-2 (hardcover)
Manga Max - Issue 6 - 1999
Screen Superstar - Special Expanded Edition - Star Wars - The Making of the World's Greatest Space Adventure Movie - 1977
Episode I Micro-Vehicle Punch-Outs - 1999 - Random House - ISBN 0-375-80014-X
Episode I Queen Amidala Paper Doll Book - 1999 - Random House - ISBN 0-375-80020-4
Attack of the Clones Padme Amidala Paper Doll Book - 2002 - Random House - ISBN 0-375-81508-2
Star Wars Collectibles - Toy Shop - 1999 - Issue 1
DreamWatch - UK Magazine - 1999 - Volume 5, Issue 9
The Films of Harrison Ford - ISBN 0-8065-1658-5
Star Wars The Essential Guide to Characters - 1995 - ISBN 0-345-39535-2
Star Wars The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels - 1996 - ISBN 0-345-39299-X
Star Wars Blueprints - 1977 - (Return of the Jedi sticker on outside) - ISBN 0-345-27381-8
The Complete Star Wars Trilogy Scrapbook - Scholastic - 1997 - ISBN 0-590-06653-6
Star Wars Learning Fun Book (Kindergarten) - Learning Word Sounds - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80005-0
Star Wars Learning Fun Book (Grade 1) - Simple Adding and Subtracting - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80003-4
Star Wars Learning Fun Book (Pre-K) - Writing Numbers 1 to 10 - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80007-7
Episode I The Phantom Menace Coloring Book - 2000 - ISBN 0-375-80511-7
Attack of the Clones Coloring Book - Anakin & Amidala - 2002 - ISBN 0-375-81506-6
Attack of the Clones Coloring Book - Heroes & Villains - 2002 - ISBN 0-375-81507-4 (quantity: 2)
Episode I Anakin's Adventures to Color - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80022-0
Episode I Battles to Color - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80016-6
Episode I The Phantom Menace Movie Storybook - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80009-3
Episode I Galactic Puzzles and Games - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80018-2
Episode I Heroes and Villains Coloring Book - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80021-2
The Ultimate Episode I Sticker Book - 1999 - DK - ISBN 0-7894-3964-6
The Ultimate Star Wars Sticker Book - 1999 - DK - ISBN 0-7894-3963-8
Episode I Lightsaber Marker Activity Book (with marker) - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80017-4
Episode I Jar Jar Binks - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80011-5 (used by Jacob)
Episode I Anakin Skywalker - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80011-5 (used by Jacob)
Attack of the Clones - I am a Jedi Apprentice - 2002 - ISBN 0-375-81493-0
Episode I Watch Out, Jar Jar - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80028-X (used by Jacob)
Episode I Dangers of the Core - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80002-6
Episode I Anakin's Fate - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80029-8
Episode I Anakin to the Rescue - 1999 - ISBN 0-375-80001-8 (read to Jacob)
Star Wars Han Solo's Rescue Mission (loose book only) - Fun Works - 1998 - ISBN 1-57082-823-7 (read to Jacob)
Star Wars - Mark & See Magic (pen missing) - Golden Books - 1997 - ISBN 0-307-03079-2 (used by Jacob)
Star Wars Pop-Up Book - Random House - 1978 - ISBN 0-394-83754-1 (poor condition) (read to Jacob)
Star Wars - Battle of the Bounty Hunters - 1996 - Dark Horse - ISBN 1-56971-129-1 (read to Jacob)

Box 68 Clothing
Jedi Outfit (some accessories in BA Tigers Gym bag) - custom made - some in Box 69
Luke Skywalker Outfit - custom made
Star Wars Belt - 1977 - The Leather Shop - San Francisco
70's style X-Wing and TIE Fighter Iron-On with Darth Vader Head background and Star Wars Logo - White Shirt
70's style Stormtroopers Iron-On - White Shirt
70's style Han Solo & Chewbacca Iron-On - Grey Shirt
70's style Han Solo Iron-On - Grey Shirt
70's style Darth Vader Iron-On - Grey Shirt
70's style Chewbacca Iron-On - White Shirt
70's style C-3PO & R2-D2 (on Blockade Runner) Iron-On - Grey Shirt
70's style SW ANH Classic Hildebrandt Movie Poster Iron-On - White Shirt
70's style Luke & C-3PO on farm Iron-On - White Shirt
Green Lightsaber (not in box)
Star Wars Necktie - McQuarrie art
Star Wars Necktie - typical poster image
Yoda Necktie
Boba Fett boxers (underwear)
Darth Vader boxers (underwear)
Millennium Falcon in asteroids boxers (underwear)
X-Wing Rogue Squadron boxers (underwear)
Darth Vader necktie - split face
Cantina necktie
Darth Vader helmet pattern necktie (quantity: 2)
Vehicles necktie (X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Millennium Falcon)
Rebels necktie
Stormtrooper necktie - split face
Yoda necktie - split face
Death Star Trench necktie - Darth Vader TIE Fighter
Star Wars Celebration Baseball Cap - Black
Star Wars Baseball Cap - Black
Pepsi Backpack from Star Wars Celebration I
Star Wars Boxers (underwear) (quantity: 2)
Figrin D'an Cantina Band CD and T-Shirt
Max Rebo Band CD and T-Shirt
Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi necktie
Episode I Anakin Skywalker necktie
Episode I Darth Maul necktie
Episode I Qui-Gon Jinn necktie
Big Dog Boxers

Box 69 More clothing
Jedi Outfit - custom made - some in Box 68
Darth Vader Halloween Costume
Episode I T-Shirt - Anakin Running - Blue/Grey
Episode I T-Shirt - Main Characters (good and bad) - Black on White
Episode I T-Shirt - Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker - Black, Half Tie Dye
Episode I T-Shirt - Anakin, Padme, Watto, C-3PO and Pod Racer - Tie Dye
Episode I T-Shirt - Darth Maul - Tie Dye Blue - Glow-in-the-dark
Episode I T-Shirt - Darth Maul and Sith Probe Droids - Black - Glow-in-the-dark
T-Shirt - Jabba's Gang - Tie Dye Blue
T-Shirt - Boba Fett and Slave I - Tie Dye Grey
T-Shirt - Star Destroyer and Death Start II - Tie Dye Blue
Episode I T-Shirt - Jar Jar Binks - Black
Episode I T-Shirt - Battle Droid on STAP in forest - Dark Blue
Episode I T-Shirt - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Black
Episode I T-Shirt - Darth Maul (head) - Black - Glow-in-the-dark
Episode I T-Shirt - Darth Sidious - Black
Episode I T-Shirt - Darth Maul (full body) - Black (quantity: 2)
Episode I T-Shirt - Jedi vs. Sith - Black
Episode I T-Shirt - Pepsi Marfalump - White
Big Dogs T-Shirt - Empire Bites Back
Stormtrooper Beach Towel
Star Wars Celebration II T-Shirt - Black

Box 70 Misc
Episode I Puzz 3D - R2-D2
Farley's Episode I Mega-Duals - Galactic Berry flavored (fruit snacks)
Farley's Episode I Glitter Roll - Galactic Watermelon flavored (fruit roll)
Estes Flying Action Model Rocket - Episode I Trade Federation Droid Fighter (gift from Scott Williams)
Attack of the Clones Plastic Cup - 17 fl. oz. (quantity: 6)
Attack of the Clones Stickers (villains) (quantity: 2)
Attack of the Clones Stickers (heroes)
Attack of the Clones Goody Bag - contains activity card, sticker, party favor, and candy
Attack of the Clones Mazes - handheld ball in plastic maze game
Bag of 8 Attack of the Clones Blowouts - rolled up paper you blow to extend
1999 Taco Bell Toy - Episode I - Tatooine - Anakin Viewer
1999 Taco Bell Toy - Episode I - Tatooine - Anakin Viewer (empty box) (quantity: 2)
1999 Taco Bell Toy - Episode I - Tatooine - Anakin Skywalker Transforming Bank
1999 Taco Bell Toy - Episode I - Tatooine - Anakin's Podracer (quantity: 2)
1999 Taco Bell Toy - Episode I - Tatooine - Anakin's Podracer (empty box)
1999 Pizza Hut Toy - Episode I - Coruscant - Lott Dodd Walking Throne (quantity: 2)
1999 Pizza Hut Toy - Episode I - Coruscant - Lott Dodd Walking Throne (empty box)
1999 Taco Bell Toy - Episode I - Tatooine - Levitating Queen Amidala's Royal Starship (opened)
1999 Taco Bell Toy - Episode I - Tatooine - Walking Sebulba
1999 Taco Bell Toy - Episode I - Tatooine - Walking Sebulba (empty box)
1999 Taco Bell Toy - Episode I - Tatooine - Joking Jar Jar Binks (empty box)
1999 Taco Bell Toy - Episode I - Tatooine - Joking Jar Jar Binks
GTI Telecard - Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi fighting - Star Wars - Prepaid Calling Card (Phone Card)
Photograph of Speeder Bikes from Disney - gift from Kerry Clendinning
Boba Fett Pez Dispenser (loose)
Episode I Dangler - Applause - Anakin's Pod Racer
Episode I Dangler - Applause - Trade Federation Tank
Episode I Dangler - Applause - Trade Federation Droid Fighter
Episode I Dangler - Applause - Sith Interceptor
2002 Attack of the Clones Curad Bandages (Bandaids) - Count Dooku (3D)
2002 Attack of the Clones Curad Bandages (Bandaids) - Jango Fett (3D)
2002 Attack of the Clones Curad Bandages (Bandaids) - Heroes (3D)
2002 Attack of the Clones Curad Bandages (Bandaids) - Yoda (3D)
Colgate Star Wars Toothbrush - Darth Vader - 2000
Stormtrooper Room Alarm with Gun (remote) (loose)

Box 71 Film Cels, Metallic Images
Star Wars 70MM Collector Film Cels - Return of the Jedi - Princess Leia
Star Wars 70MM Collector Film Cels - Return of the Jedi - Imperial Forces
Star Wars 70MM Collector Film Cels - Return of the Jedi - The Jedi Emerges (quantity: 2) [see Certificate of Authenticity in Box 75]
Star Wars 70MM Collector Film Cels - Return of the Jedi - Droids
Star Wars 70MM Collector Film Cels - Return of the Jedi - Emperor Palpatine
Star Wars 70MM Collector Film Cels - Return of the Jedi - Darth Vader (quantity: 2) [see Certificate of Authenticity in Box 75]
Star Wars 70MM Collector Film Cels - Return of the Jedi - Turning Points (quantity: 2) [see Certificate of Authenticity in Box 75]
Star Wars 70MM Collector Film Cels - Return of the Jedi - General Han Solo (quantity: 2) [see Certificate of Authenticity in Box 75]
Star Wars 70MM Collector Film Cels - Return of the Jedi - The Rebellion
Star Wars 70MM Collector Film Cels - Return of the Jedi - Ewoks
Star Wars 70MM Collector Film Cels - Return of the Jedi - Jedi
Star Wars Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Galactic Empire Edition
Star Wars Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - C-3PO Edition
Star Wars Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - R2-D2 Edition
Star Wars Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Rebel Alliance Edition
Star Wars Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Ben Kenobi Edition
Star Wars Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Luke Skywalker Edition
Empire Strikes Back Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Imperial Attack Edition
Empire Strikes Back Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Rebel Alliance Edition
Empire Strikes Back Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Jedi Training
Empire Strikes Back Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Luke Skywalker Edition
Empire Strikes Back Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Jedi Master Yoda
Empire Strikes Back Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Lando Calrissian
Empire Strikes Back Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Millennium Falcon Edition
Empire Strikes Back Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Jedi Challenge Special Edition
Empire Strikes Back Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Rebel Escape
Empire Strikes Back Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals - Han Solo and Princess Leia
Metalic Immages Series 2 - Empire Strikes Back with Promo Card P2 (quantity: 3) (in factory box)
Star Wars Authentic 70MM Collector Film Originals (empty box) (quantity: 9)

Box 72 Framed McQuarrie Art (framed, signed, numbered, with 70MM original film cel)
Star Wars: A New Hope - The Cantina on Mos Eisley - 1289 of 2500
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - Battle of Hoth - 822 of 2500
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader Duel - 1742 of 2500
Star Wars: A New Hope - Rebel Ceremony - 1348 of 2500
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Darth Vader's Arrival - 1248 of 2500
Star Wars: A New Hope - Rebel Ceremony - 486 of 2500 (in original shipping box)

Box 73 Calendars, Artwork, Portfolios
Star Wars - 1995 Calendar (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition - 1998 Calendar
Star Wars - 1997 Calendar - 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition
The Art of Star Wars Episode II - 2004 Calendar
Star Wars Mos Eisley Cantina: The Regulars - 2000 Calendar (quantity: 2)
Star Wars - 1996 Calendar (quantity: 2)
Star Wars - 1995 Calendar
Star Wars Weapons & Technology - 1999 Calendar
Star Wars May The Force Be With You - 1999 Calendar
Star Wars Darth Vader Reveals Anakin Skywalker - 1999 Calendar
Star Wars Episode I - 2000 Calendar (quantity: 3)
Star Wars - 1995 3D Calendar
The Art of Star Wars Galaxy - Limited Edition 5,000 With 9-Up Card Sheet - Topps - 1993 - ISBN 1-883313-01-5 (quantity: 3)
Return of the Jedi Chromart Chromium Print - Collector's Limited Edition (30,000) (quantity: 3)
Star Wars Trilogy Moviecards - 1994 (quantity: 4)
Star Wars Post Art Portfolio - 1993 - Topps/Classico
The Star Wars Portfolio - Ralph McQuarrie - Ballantine - 1977 - ISBN 0-345-27382-6
Return of the Jedi Portfolio - Ralph McQuarrie - Ballantine - 1983 - ISBN 0-345-30961-8
Episode I - Artwork by Doug Chiang - 1999 - Chronicle - ISBN 0-8118-2580-9
Star Wars Comics - Archie Goodwin, Al Williamson - Signed - Numbered 1056 of 2500 - 1991
Star Wars Trilogy - Original Movie Scripts - Collector's Edition - ISBN 1-56693-374-9 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars: Dark Empire II 1-6 of 6 - Gold Foil - Limited Edition (5,000)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi 1-5 of 5 - Gold Foil - Limited Edition (7,500) (quantity: 3)

Box 74 Misc
Articles from Overstreet's Fan, Advance Comics, Star Wares (Advance Comics),
Previews, Sharper Image, various advertisements, Cinescape,
Tomart's Action Figure Digest, Wizard, and many more...
[more in Box 49]
Tomart's Action Figure Digest - Issue 99 (Celebration II)
Tomart's Price Guide to Worldwide Star Wars Collectibles - ISBN 0-914293-23-0
Star Wars Insider 52
Star Wars Galaxy Collector - Topps - Issue 4
LaserViews - Laser Disc Magazine - 1993 - Star Wars Trilogy Definitive Collection advertisement and article on Francis Ford Coppola
Comic Shop News - Star Wars: Dark Lords of the Sith - 1994 - Issue 382 (quantity: 4)
Lucasfilm Fan Club 21 with Lucasfilm Fan Club Kit - 1994 - poster, 2 ROTJ pictures, ROTJ sticker, fan club membership card, letter from George Lucas
Jawa Trader (from Star Wars Insider) 39, 43
Sci-Fi Collector - Beckett - 1999 - Issue 1
Star Wars - Marvel Special Edition - #1 - 1977 - oversized comic
Time Magazine - The Empire Strikes Back - 1980
Starlog - bagged with Jabba the Hutt Promo Card for Star Wars Galaxy - 1993 - Issue 191 (quantity: 2)
Non-Sport Update - 1992 - bagged with Star Wars Galaxy promo Cards
Triton Comic Cards & Collectibles - 1994 - Number 3 - Star Wars Galaxy promo card (biker scout)
Electronic Entertainment - 1994 - bagged with 2 Star Wars TIE Fighter game interactive demo disks
Famous Monsters - Empire Strikes Back - 1980
Starlog - 1994 - Issue 199
Star Wars: From Concept to Screen To Collectible - Sansweet - Chronicle - ISBN 0-8118-0096-2 (softcover)
Nintendo Power - Super Star Wars - 1992 - Issue 42
Starlog Spectacular - Star Wars - 1993 - Issue 7 (quantity: 2)
Empire Strikes Back - Marvel Super Special Magazine - 1980 - Issue 16 - Archie Goodwin, Al Williamson (quantity: 2)
Return of the Jedi - Marvel Super Special Magazine - 1983 - Issue 27 - Archie Goodwin, Al Williamson (quantity: 2)
Action Figure News & Toy Review - 1994 - Issue 19
Report from the Star Wars Generation - 1993 - Issue 1
Action Figure News & Toy Review - 1993 - Issue 15
Lucasfilm Fan Club 17
Star Wars Technical Journal Vol. #1 of the Planet Tatooine - Starlog - 1993
Starlog - Science Fiction Universe - Special 200th Edition - 1994
Star Wars Original Movie Script - 1994 - Premiere - ISBN 1-56693-306-4
Star Wars Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook (hardcover) - West End Games RPG Book - 1993 - ISBN 0-87431-199-3
May 11, 2002 TV Guide - Anakin and Padme Cover
New York City Official City Guide - Star Wars - The Magic of the Myth at the Brooklyn Museum of Art - 2002
Star Wars Trilogy Comic Book Adaptations (TPBs) - Dark Horse - ISBN 1-56971-089-9
Star Wars Tales of the Jedi - The Fall of the Sith Empire - Dark Horse - ISBN 1-56971-320-0 - signed (by Kevin J. Anderson?)
Newspaper Articles
Parade Magazine on Star Wars Stamps
Daily Texan on Star Wars Toys - April 28, 1997
Austin American-Statesman on Episode I - April 10, 1999
Austin American-Statesman on whole saga - May 16, 1999
Austin American-Statesman comica with Star Wars Foxtrot - May 19, 2002
Austin American-Statesman comica with Star Wars Foxtrot - January 28, 2001
A Big Stack of Hamilton Collection advertisements (possibly with a few Danbury Mint items thrown in)
An MBNA Star Wars Credit Card Offer
Cheerios Star Wars Episode II Matchbox Race Car (#43) (loose)
Boba Fett Skull Emblem for key chain (loose)
Episode I Anakin Pod Racer plastic cup (cracked)
Princess Leia Bend-Em (loose)
Clonetrooper Helmet Key Chain
Star Wars Darth Vader Mild Formula Galactic Glycercin Soap
Star Wars Dark Force Rising - Volume 2 of Three-Book Cycle - 1992 - ISBN 0-553-56071-9 (softcover)
Empire Strikes Back Yoda/Vader mirror box - probably kid's meal prize from pepsi food chain in 1997
Star Wars Pencil Tin
R2-D2 crazy straw
8 Issues of Martin Thurn's Star Wars Collector Newsletter from 1993-1995
ToyFare Poster of Grand Admiral Thrawn and Spacetrooper action figures from 1998 (quantity: 3)
Dark Horse Extra - 1999 - Issue 7 - with Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire poster
Set of 8 Star Wars Clothing Postcards from 1997
Shoebox Greetings Cards
Uncle Owen and Luke Skywalker
Darth Vader
Han and Leia
Pop Shots Pop-up Greeting Card - Millennium Birthday
Chewbacca Dollar Bill
b/w photos
Vader Descending Shuttle Ramp (ROTJ)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (ANH) (head)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (ANH) (full body)
Princess Leia (ROTJ)
Luke and Leia (ANH)
Tarkin (ANH)
Vader and Leia (ANH)
Decals and Stickers for Micro Machines Millennium Falcon
Museum of Fine Arts Houston (MFAH) The Magic of Myth Poster
Wizard Cantina Scavenger Hunt Poster
Birthday Poster (reprint) and article on Star Wars Posters
1980 Secrets from The Empire Strikes Back Poster
Empire Strikes Back Postcard (Gone with the Wind style)
Color Photo of Biggs in X-Wing (head) - signed by Garrick Hagon
b/w photo of Porkins in X-Wing (head) - signed by William Hootkins
Color Photo of George Lucas (head)
Return of the Jedi Poster Magazine - 1983 - Issue 1 (quantity: 3)
Return of the Jedi Poster Magazine - 1983 - Issue 2 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones Creative Print Studio - PC CD-ROM
Museum of Fine Arts Houston (MFAH) The Magic of Myth Memoribilia
Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition Taco Bell Kid's Meal Box (unfolded)
Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace Taco Bell Kid's Meal Bag (unfolded) (quantity: 4)
Darth Maul CD Player packaging (opened) with Instruction Manual
Sticker: Features Original Star Wars Music and Sound Effects
Attack of the Clones Stickers (villains)
Episode I Stickers (villains)
from Bantam Doubleday Dell Audio Publishing - came with Hammertong
Welcome to Star Wars Fan Club - 2001
from Hasbro to FAO Schwartz Star Wars Collectors over delay
from Star Wars Fan Club regarding purchase of Star Wars Celebration Tickets
from Star Wars Fan Club accompanying floaty pen, a membership renewal gift
from Momma about Magic of Myth (1997)
Star Wars Celebration Staff Pass signed by Anthony Daniels
"Merry Christmas Mike Skywalker" drawings from Kique (Schlumberger Scott's Step-Son)
Freeze Frame Action Slides - Hasbro - sheet to put slides in - it probably came with the Macro Binoculars Slide Viewer in box 38
Decipher Star Wars CCG Introductory Two-Player Game Rules Booklet
Decipher Star Wars CCG card poster (not all cards)
Star Wars CCG Cloud City poster
ToyFare Star Wars Collector's Guide
ToyFare Star Wars Expanded Universe Collector's Guide
Hasbro Value Book (coupons and advertisements)
Icons Authentic Replicas - Winter 1997/1998 (catalog)
Tiger Electronics Catalog
Fossil Times - Issue 4 - article on the Star Wars Limited Edition watch
Supplement to comics Buyer's Guide - Entertainment Edition - Star Wars Goes Wide (Topps Widevision cards)
Movie Ticket stubs for various showings of Star Wars movies
Planet Lunch Order Form for stuff you can get with Ploids (1999)
Hasbro Win the Tultimate Star Wars Jedi Quest Party contest entry form (from action figure)
Print out of Star Wars books
Print out of Decipher Star Wars CCG cards
Sci-Fi Expo advertisements
Austin Collectors Exposition advertisements
City-Wide Garage Sale advertisement
various advertisements for other Sci-Fi/Toy shows
various advertisements for products picked up at Sci-Fi/Toy shows
The Road to Menace - 90 day countdown at Gameworks
Star Wars Celebration advertisement
Star Wars Celebration II advertisement
Episode I Charity Premiere ticket and program and letter
Episode I Soundtrack advertisement
List of Rare Kenner Toys that Hetzer (?) had and showed me
Star Wars Fan Club Fan Mail Forwarding Service
Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones Jedi Fruit Rolls - Betty Crocker (unopened)
Jar Jar Binks Party Hats (quantity: 3)
Qui-Gon Jinn Napkins (quantity: 8)
unopened package of Qui-Gon Jinn Napkins
original catalog of star wars collection - other keywords: list inventory - it is incomplete, but probably includes some things not listed here

Box 75 Cards, Bookmarks, Jewelry, Event Memoribilia
Set of 1980 Topps Photo Cards - 29 out of 30 - extra #1 - missing #26
Star Wars Galaxy Series Two Deluxe Factory Set (unopened tin) (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Dark Empire Embossed Metal Collector Cards - Metallic Impressions (unopened tin) (quantity: 3)
Star Wars Jedi Knights - Six All-Metal Collector Cards (unopened tin)
Unopened pack of 8 Widevision Trading Cards (quantity: 2)
Factory Set of 40 Topps Widevision Expansion Subset Cards (complete)
Wizards of the Coast Star Wars CCG A New Hope Light Side Game Pack (unopened)
Wizards of the Coast Star Wars CCG A New Hope Dark Side Game Pack (unopened)
Wizards of the Coast Star Wars CCG Attack of the Clones Light Side Game Pack (unopened)
Wizards of the Coast Star Wars CCG Attack of the Clones Dark Side Game Pack (unopened)
Decipher Star Wars Episode I Young Jedi CCG Sample - Two 20Card Sample Decks (unopened) (quantity: 3)
Decipher Star Wars Episode I Young Jedi CCG Starter Deck (opened)
Set of Decipher Star Wars CCG Dark Side Rare Cards (incomplete)
Set of Decipher Star Wars CCG Light Side Rare Cards (incomplete)
Limited Edition Darth Vader Silk Necktie (in Tin box) (#424 of 5000)
Set of Topps Star Wars Galaxy 3 trading cards (#276-#365) - each embossed with gold foil "1st Day Production"
Set of Star Wars Galaxy Two trading cards
Set of old 1977 Topps Star Wars trading cards - Red
Set of old 1977 Topps Star Wars trading cards - Yellow
Set of old 1977 Topps Star Wars trading cards - Black
Set of Star Wars Galaxy Three trading cards
Set of Star Wars Galaxy trading cards
Set of old 1980 Topps Empire Strikes Back trading cards (3 different sets)
Set of old trilogy trading cards reprinted (i think) - Topps (some foil?)
Metallic Images Collector Cards - Series 1 - A New Hope
Set of Foil Empire Strikes Back Topps Widevision trading cards
Set of Episode I Topps Widevision trading cards - Series Two
Set of old 1983 Topps Return of the Jedi trading cards (3 different sets)
Antioch Bookplates - Episode I - ISBN 0-7824-0344-1
Antioch Mini Bookplates - Episode I - ISBN 0-7824-0345-X
Antioch Mini Bookplates - Episode I - ISBN 0-7824-0346-8
Antioch Mini Bookplates - Star Wars - ISBN 0-7824-0256-9
Set of 1980 Empire Strikes Back Everybody Wins Trading Cards from Burger King / Coca-Cola
Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks Bookmarks
Episode I - Rune Haako
Episode I - Queen Amidala
Episode I - Sebulba
Episode I - R2-D2
Episode I - Jar Jar Binks (quantity: 2)
Episode I - Darth Maul
Episode I - Gallery Edition - Queen Amidala
Episode I - Gallery Edition - Pod Race
Episode I - Gallery Edition - Battle Droids
Episode I - Gallery Edition - Starfighters
Episode I - with beaded tassle - Queen Amidala (handle bar outfit)
Episode I - with beaded tassle - Queen Amidala (black outfit)
Episode I - with beaded tassle - R2-D2
Episode I - with beaded tassle - Jar Jar Binks
Episode I - with beaded tassle - Destroyer Droid (Droideka)
Episode I - with tassle - Obi-Wan Kenobi
Episode I - with tassle - Darth Maul
Episode I - with tassle - R2-D2 & C-3PO
Episode I - with tassle - Anakin Skywalker
Episode I - with tassle - Qui-Gon Jinn
Star Wars - with tassle - Vader, Yoda, Luke
Star Wars - with tassle - Darth Vader
Star Wars - with tassle - Han Solo
Star Wars - with tassle - Chewbacca
Star Wars - with tassle - Luke Skywalker
Star Wars - Chewbacca
Star Wars - Boba Fett
Set of Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series Two foil chase cards
Set of Topps Star Wars Galaxy foil chase cards (3 different sets)
Set of Topps Star Wars Chrome Archives foil cards (reprints of 1977 green)
Set of Topps Star Wars Finest foil chase cards (2 different sets)
Set of Topps Widevision Episode I foil chrome cards
Certificate of Authenticity for set of 4 editions of the Return of the Jedi Collector Film Cels - The Jedi Emerges, Turning Points, Darth Vader, General Han Solo [see box 71]
Set of 6 character cards from 1997
Set of 12 Episode I cards
Expressions from Hallmark limited edition Topps Widevision Episode I trading cards
Set of 3 (ANH, ESB, ROTJ) oversized 3D cards
Decipher Empire Strikes Back CCG Introductory Two-Player Game Rules Booklet
Shadows of the Empire: A Star Wars Adventure in Multimedia advertisement
advertisement for Dallas/Ft Worth Sci-Fi & Action Figure Toy Show
advertisement for Star Wars books - 1997 - The Adventure Continues... (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Postcard - McQuarrie art - signed by Dave Prowse
Dark Force Rising book plate - signed by Timothy Zahn (quantity: 3)
Topps Star Wars Galaxy promo card - 1993 - double wide
Topps Widevision Episode I Expansion Subset card (# X-14) - Jedi vs. Sith foil imprint - Darth Maul - signed by Ray Park
Shadows of the Empire Official Reservation Coupon (promo card)
Topps Widevision Return of the Jedi promo card P6
Topps Widevision Trilogy Special Edition promo card P1
Limited Edition Star Wars Galaxy Series Two Hologram 2
Topps Attack of the Clones promo card P4 - foil logo - Jango Fett and Clones - Star Wars Insider
Attack of the Clones Original Motion Picture Soundtrack promo card
Star Wars Galaxy 3 promo card P7 (quantity: 2)
Star Wars Galaxy 3 promo card P5
Star Wars Galaxy Collector promo card SW7
Topps Widevision Star Wars promo card SWP3
Topps Widevision Star Wars promo card SWP4
Topps Widevision Episode I 3D promo card P1
Topps Widevision Star Wars promo card SWP6
Topps Widevision Return of the Jedi promo card P2
Topps Widevision Attack of the Clones promo card P1
Topps Widevision Trilogy Special Edition promo card P7
Topps Widevision Star Wars promo card SWP5
Topps Widevision Empire Strikes Back promo card #0
Star Wars Galaxy Collector promo card SW6
1980 Topps Empire Strikes Back trading card #55
1980 Topps Empire Strikes Back trading card #102
Star Wars Galaxy trading card #0
Kenner Action Masters R2-D2 card - came with toy
Topps Star Wars Galaxy trading card #00 - The McQuarrie Portfolio
Topps Star Wars Galaxy trading card A - Darth Vader
Topps Star Wars Galaxy Series Three promo card P3
Jedi Master card - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-5437-2 (quantity: 2)
Tatooine Podracer License - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-5440-2
Pit Droid Assignment Card - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-5438-0
Naboo Bravo Flight Pilot Identi-Card - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-5442-9
Trade Federation Starfighter Droid Identi-Card - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-5439-9
Sith Apprenticeship Card - Antioch - ISBN 0-7824-5441-0
50 empty plastic card sheets
Items received from due to bug in their server
Topps Clone Wars promo card P1
Topps Clone Wars promo card P2
Topps Clone Wars promo card P3
Revenge of the Jedi patch
Return of the Jedi patch
1977 Star Wars Darth Vader earrings
1977 Star Wars R2-D2 earrings
1983 Return of the Jedi C-3PO necklace
1994 Hollywood Pins
C-3PO - Oh Dear! We're Doomed!
May the Force Be With You
Yoda - Try Not. Do or Do Not. There Is No Try.
Star Wars - Episode I
Star Wars - Rebel Insignia - 1993 (rough back)
Star Wars - Rebel Insignia - 1993 (smooth back)
Star Wars - Darth Vader - 1994
Star Wars - Yoda - 1994
Star Wars - Millennium Falcon - 1994
Jabba the Hutt
TIE Fighter
X-Wing (large) (quantity: 2)
X-Wing (small)
Rebel Insignia (gold)
Imperial Insignia (blue on black)
Lando Calrissian
Darth Vader (head) - 1993
Luke Skywalker on Tauntaun
Star Wars Celebration bag contains:
Star Wars Lego (Episode I) (quantity: 2)
Three Day Pass with lanyard - Red - Darth Maul
Farley's Episode I Mega-Duals - Galactic Berry flavored (fruit snacks)
FAO Schwartz card advertising Exclusive Epic Force 3-pack
Episode I Pepsi Sticker - Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi & Darth Maul (quantity: 3)
Episode I Pepsi Sticker - Qui-Gon Jinn, Jar Jar Binks, Queen Amidala, Anakin Skywalker (quantity: 3)
Episode I Pepsi Sticker - Qui-Gon Jinn, Jar Jar Binks, Queen Amidala, Darth Maul (quantity: 3)
Episode I Pepsi Sticker - Anakin Skywalker & Sebulba & Podracer (quantity: 3)
Episode I bumper sticker - Random House
Episode I Yoda bookmark - "Read, You Will!"
THX Sticker
Picture of me and Qui-Gon Jinn talking (quantity: 4)
Star Wars Galaxy Collector promo card SW9
Dark Horse Extra - 1999 - Issue 11 - with Episode I: The Phantom Menace poster
Hasbro Toy & Game Guide
Kid Rhino advertisement
Star Wars Celebration Revised Program Listing
Star Wars Shuttle Summary
Tell Us What You Think survey form
Star Wars Celebration Official Program Guide
Star Wars Backbeats postcard
bag of memoribilia from May 21, 1999 Sci-Fi Expo with Billy Dee Williams:
1983 8"x10" head shot of Lando Calrissian
Sci-Fi Expo and Toy Show advertisement
polaroid picture of me and Tim with Billy Dee Williams signed by Billy Dee Williams
polaroid picture of me with Peter Mayhew
polaroid picture of me with Kenny Baker
polaroid picture of me and Tim with Jeremy Bulloch
polaroid picture of me signed by me ("Mike McCartney IS Darth Vader")
Sci-Fi Expo 3-Day pass
our hotel reservation
Dinner with the Star pass for Billy Dee Williams
a couple of letters regarding Sci-Fi Expo tickets
Sci-Fi Expo Trilogy Celebration Schedule of Events (dot matrix print out)
Sci-Fi Expo Trilogy Celebration Guest List (dot matrix print out)
LucasArts Entertainment Company Prepaid Phonecard (Episode I)
Decipher Star Wars CCG Endor expansion promo card
Decipher Star Wars CCG Premiere card list (dot matrix print out) - i crossed out the ones i have
advertisements for March 19, 2000 Sci-Fi Expo & Toy Show
bag of movie ticket stubs for various showings of Episode I including showing with Billy Dee Williams in Plano, TX
Star Wars stickers - vehicles from original Trilogy (quantity: 4)
Star Wars stickers - characters from Episode I (quantity: 3)
Darth Vader Yo-Yo (opened)
Stormtrooper Yo-Yo (opened)
a bunch of trading card sleeves and clear plastic single-card cases
Doritos 3D disc revealing Darth Vader and Tarkin - 1997 - #1 of 20

Box 76 Media, Jewlery, Pewter Figures
Episode I - The Phantom Menace - Audiobook - Unabridged on Cassette - ISBN 0-375-40655-7
Episode I - The Phantom Menace - Audiobook - Abridged on Cassette - ISBN 0-375-40635-2
Episode I - The Phantom Menace - Audiobook - Unabridged on 8 CDs - ISBN 0-375-40743-X
Episode II - Attack of the Clones - Movie - Widescreen DVD
The Empire Strikes Back - The Original Radio Drama (NPR) - ISBN 1-56511-007-2
Star Wars - The Original Radio Drama (NPR) - ISBN 1-56511-005-6
The Complete Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back Original Radio Dramas (NPR) - ISBN 1-56511-114-1 (unopened)
The Complete Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back Original Radio Dramas (NPR) - ISBN 1-56511-114-1 (opened)
Classic Star Wars - The Original Trilogy - Audiobook - 9 CDs - ISBN 1-57042-169-2
Star Wars: We Don't Do Weddings - The Band's Tale - Audiobook - CD - ISBN 0-553-45540-0
John Williams Conducts John Williams The Star Wars Trilogy - The Skywalker Symphony - DDD Digital Recording - Sony Classical - CD - UPC 0-7464-45947-2
Star Wars: A New Hope - CD - Special Edition - UPC 0-9026-68746-2-0
Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back - CD - Special Edition - UPC 0-9026-68747-2-9
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - CD - Special Edition - UPC 0-9026-68748-2-8
Star Wars Limited Edition Collectible Watch - Fantasma - Darth Vader
Star Wars Limited Edition Collectible Watch - Fantasma - Millennium Falcon
Star Wars Hologram Watch - Darth Vader
Star Wars Hologram Watch - Boba Fett
Star Wars R2-D2 Necklace - 1977 - 20th Century Fox
Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet Necklace - 1977 - 20th Century Fox
Rawcliffe Pewter Figures:
Darth Vader
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
Princess Leia
Han Solo
Boba Fett
Star Wars Rebel Fighter Pen - Space Pen - Fisher (quantity: 3)
Jedi Academy Omnibus - Audiobooks - Contains all 3 volumes of the Jedi Academy Trilogy: Jedi Search, Dark Apprentice, Champions of the Force - ISBN 0-553-47848-6
A&E Biography of George Lucas - Audiobook - ISBN 0-7366-4710

Box 77 POTJ and Episode 1 Action Figures
POTJ 2000 Bespin Guard (Cloud City Security) (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Chewbacca (Dejarik Challenge) (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Coruscant Guard (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Darth Maul (Final Duel) (Collection 1) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Darth Vader (Emperor's Wrath) (Collection 1) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Ellorrs Madak (Fan's Choice Figure No. 1) (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Fode and Beed (Podrace Announcer) (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Gungan Warrior (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Han Solo (Death Star Escape) (Collection 1) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Jek Porkins (X-Wing Pilot) (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Ketwol (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) (Collection 1) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Mas Amedda (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Mon Calamari Officer (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Qui-Gon Jinn (Mos Espa Disguise) (Collection 1) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 R2-D2 (Naboo Escape) (Collection 1) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Sabe' (Queen's Decoy) (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Sebulba (Boonta Eve Challenge) (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2000 Tusken Raider (Desert Sniper) (Collection 2) (Jedi Force File)
POTJ 2001 Eeth Koth (Jedi Master) (Collection 2)
POTJ 2001 FX-7 Medical Droid (Collection 2)
POTJ 2001 Imperial Officer (Collection 2)
POTJ 2001 Queen Amidala (Royal Decoy) (Collection 2)
POTJ 2001 Rebel Trooper (Tantive IV Defender) (Collection 2)
POTJ 2001 Zutton (Snaggletooth) (Collection 2)
1998 Episode 1 Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Duel) .00 (Collection 1)
1999 Episode 1 Qui-Gon Jinn (Naboo) .0100 (Jedi Quest Party front & back) (Collection 1)
1999 Episode 1 Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot) .0000 (Jedi Quest Party front & back) (Collection 1)
1998 Episode 1 Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine) .00 (Collection 1)
1998 Episode 1 Jar Jar Binks .0100 (Collection 1)
1999 Episode 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Naboo) .0100 (Collection 1)
1999 Episode 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Naboo) .0100 (Jedi Quest Party front & back) (Collection 1)
1999 Episode 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Knight) .0000 (Collection 1)
1998 Episode 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel) .00 (Collection 1)
1998 Episode 1 Battle Droid .0100 (Collection 1) (marking style 1)
1998 Episode 1 Battle Droid .0100 (Collection 1) (marking style 2)
1998 Episode 1 Battle Droid .0100 (Collection 1) (marking style 3)
1998 Episode 1 Battle Droid .0200 (Collection 1) (marking style 3)
1998 Episode 1 Queen Amidala (Naboo) .00 (Collection 1)
1998 Episode 1 Padme Naberrie (Naboo) .00 (Collection 1)
1998 Episode 1 Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) .0100 (Collection 1)
1999 Episode 1 Darth Maul (Sith Lord) .0000 (Jedi Quest Party front & back) (Collection 1)
1999 Episode 1 Darth Maul (Tatooine) .0100 (Jedi Quest Party front & back) (Collection 1)

Box 78 Action Figures (2002-2004)
AOTC 2002 #07 Boba Fett (Kamino Escape)
AOTC 2002 #22 Anakin Skywalker (Hangar Duel)
AOTC 2002 #41 Padme Amidala (Coruscant Attack)
AOTC 2002 #43 Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine Attack)
TPM 2002 #51 Lott Dod
ANH 2002 #54 Rebel Trooper (Tantive IV Defender)
ANH 2002 #55 Imperial Officer
AOTC 2003 #04 Padme Amidala (Droid Factory Chase)
AOTC 2003 #05 SP-4 & JN-66 (Research Droids)
AOTC 2003 #06 Tusken Raider (Tatooine Camp Ambush)
AOTC 2003 #09 R2-D2 (Droid Factory Flight)
AOTC 2003 #10 Lama Su (with Clone Youth)
AOTC 2003 #11 Aayla Secura (Jedi Knight)
AOTC 2003 #12 Barriss Offee (Luminara Unduli's Padawan) (c2002)
ESB 2003 #13 Han Solo (Hoth Rescue)
ESB 2003 #14 Chewbacca (Mynock Hunt)
AOTC 2003 #16 Ashla and Jempa (Jedi Padawans)
ROTJ 2003 #17 Luke Skywalker (Throne Room Duel)
ROTJ 2003 #18 Darth Vader (Throne Room Duel)
ESB 2003 #19 Snowtrooper (The Battle of Hoth)
ANH 2003 #26 Princess Leia Organa (Imperial Captive)
TPM 2003 !25 Darth Maul (Theed Hangar Duel) (NOT NUMBERED, c2004)
ANH 2003 !27 Han Solo (Flight to Alderaan) (NOT NUMBERED, c2004)
ANH 2004 !!! Luke Skywalker (Tatooine Encounter) (NOT NUMBERED, c2004)
ROTJ 2003 #41 Imperial Dignitary (Kren Blista-Vanee) (Death Star Procession)
ESB 2004 #01 Hoth Trooper (Hoth Evacuation)
ESB 2004 #02 R-3PO (Hoth Evacuation)
ESB 2004 #03 Luke Skywalker (Hoth Attack)
ROTJ 2004 #04 Luke Skywalker (Jabba's Palace)
ROTJ 2004 #05 R2-D2 (Jabba's Sail Barge)
ANH 2004 #06 R1-G4 (Tatooine Transaction)
ROTJ 2004 #08 Rappertunie
ANH 2004 #12 General Jan Dodonna (Battle of Yavin)
ANH 2004 #13 Dutch Vander, Gold Leader (Battle of Yavin)
ESB 2004 #16 Admiral Ozzel (Executor Assault)
ESB 2004 #17 Dengar (Executor Meeting)

Box 79 Action Figures
AOTC 2002 #11 Battle Droid (Arena Battle) (red) (possible variant?)
AOTC 2002 #11 Battle Droid (Arena Battle) (white) (possible variant?)
AOTC 2002 #17 Clone Trooper (red, 4 dots) (possible variant?)
AOTC 2002 #23 Yoda (Jedi Master)
AOTC 2002 #27 Count Dooku (Dark Lord)
AOTC 2002 #50 Watto (Mos Espa Junk Dealer)
AOTC 2003 #07 Anakin Skywalker (Secret Ceremony)
AOTC 2003 #12 Barriss Offee (Luminara Unduli's Padawan) (c2003)
AOTC 2003 #15 Yoda and Chian (Padawan Lightsaber Training)
AOTC 2003 #20 Jango Fett (Kamino Escape) (same as 2002 #13 ?)
AOTC 2003 #22 Padme Amidala (Secret Ceremony)
AOTC 2003 #23 Wat Tambor (Geonosis War Room)
AOTC 2003 #28 WA-7 (Dexter's Diner)
AOTC 2003 #37 Achk Med-Beq (Coruscant Outlander Club)
ANH 2004 #15 Captain Antilles (Tantive IV Invasion) (Fans' Choice #5)
Celebration II Commander Jorg Sacul (Rebel Pilot)
1999 Episode 1 C-3PO .00 (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 Ric Olie .00 (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 Darth Sidious .00 (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 Senator Palpatine .00 (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 Watto .00 (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 R2-D2 .0000 (Jedi Quest Party front & back) (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 R2-D2 .0000 (Jedi Quest Party front & back) (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 Yoda .0000 (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 Destroyer Droid .0000 (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 Captain Panaka .0000 (Jedi Quest Party front & back) (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 Naboo Royal Security .0000 (Jedi Quest Party front & back) (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 Naboo Royal Guard .0000 (Jedi Quest Party front & back) (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 Darth Sidious (Holograph) .0000 (Jedi Quest Party front & back) (Collection 2)
1999 Episode 1 Boss Nass .0000 (Collection 3)
1999 Episode 1 Ki-Adi-Mundi .0000 (Collection 3)
1999 Episode 1 Chancellor Valorum .0000 (Collection 3)
1999 Episode 1 Mace Windu .0000 (Collection 3)
1999 Episode 1 Gasgano with Pit Droid .0100 (Collection 3)
1999 Episode 1 Captain Tarpals .0100 (Collection 3) (sticky back from missing Jedi Quest Party sticker)
1999 Episode 1 Adi Gallia .0000 (Collection 3)
1999 Episode 1 OOM-9 .0000 (Collection 3)
1999 Episode 1 Anakin Skywalker (Naboo) .0100 (Jedi Quest Party front & back) (Collection 1)
1999 Episode 1 Queen Amidala (Coruscant) .0100 (Collection 1)

Box 80 Action Figures (Vintage Kenner) - punched, yellow bubble unless otherwise noted
1984 POTF Luke Skywalker (Imperial Stormtrooper Outfit) w/Collectors Coin - unpunched!
1982 ESB Luke Skywalker (Hoth Battle Gear) - Revenge of the Jedi sticker - unpunched! - price tag
1983 ROTJ General Madine - clear bubble
1983 ROTJ General Madine - unpunched!
1983 ROTJ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight Outfit) - unpunched! - price tag - bubble damaged
1983 ROTJ Squid Head - unpunched! - clear bubble (quantity: 2)
1983 ROTJ AT-ST Driver
1983 ROTJ AT-ST Driver - Tri-logo - unpunched! - clear bubble
1983 ROTJ Gamorrean Guard - Tri-logo - clear bubble
1984 POTF Imperial Dignitary w/Collectors Coin
1984 POTF Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi w/Collectors Coin
1983 ROTJ Princess Leia Organa (Boushh Disguise)
1984 POTF A-Wing Pilot w/Collectors Coin
1983 ROTJ Chief Chirpa - unpunched! (quantity: 2)
1983 ROTJ Rebel Commando - unpunched!
1983 ROTJ Wicket W. Warrick - unpunched!
1984 ROTJ B-Wing Pilot
1983 ROTJ B-Wing Pilot - Tri-logo - clear bubble!
1984 POTF B-Wing Pilot w/Collectors Coin - unpunched!
1983 ROTJ Paploo - clear bubble!
1984 POTF Romba w/Collectors Coin - unpunched! - clear bubble!
1983 ROTJ Princess Leia Organa (In Combat Poncho) - unpunched!
1983 ROTJ Han Solo (In Trench Coat) - unpunched!
1983 ROTJ Han Solo - unpunched!
1983 ROTJ Wicket W. Warrick
1983 ROTJ Prune Face - card torn above punch hole
1983 ROTJ Rancor Keeper - half-punched with 2 price tags - clear bubble!
1983 ROTJ Nikto - unpunched!
1983 ROTJ Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard Disguise) - unpunched!
1983 ROTJ See-Threepio (C-3P0) w/Removable Arms, Legs and Backpack
1983 ROTJ See-Threepio (C-3P0) w/Removable Arms, Legs and Backpack - unpunched!
1983 ROTJ Lando Calrissian
1983 ROTJ Rancor Keeper - unpunched!
1983 ROTJ Nien Nunb - unpunched!
1983 ROTJ Ree Yees
1983 ROTJ 8D8
1983 ROTJ General Madine
1981 ESB Special Action Figure Set (Bespin Set) w/ Han Solo (Bespin Outfit), Ugnaught, and Lobot
1985 Ewoks Wicket W. Warrick w/Collectors Coin
1984 ROTJ Paploo - clear bubble! - card in bad condition
1984 POTF Paploo w/Collectors Coin - card in poor condition
1983 ROTJ Biker Scout - clear bubble!
1983 ROTJ Klaatu (In Skiff Guard Outfit)
1983 ROTJ Klaatu (quantity: 3)
1980 ESB Bespin Security Guard - clear bubble! - card in bad condition
1983 ROTJ Teebo - unpunched!
1984 POTF Teebo w/Collectors Coin - price tags on back
1983 ROTJ Admiral Ackbar (quantity: 3)
1984 ROTJ Walrus Man - price tag
1983 ROTJ Gamorrean Guard - clear bubble! (quantity: 2)
2003 Boba Fett (Convention Figure) (quantity: 2) (silver figure on black card)
2004 Sandtrooper (Silver Saga Edition) (quantity: 3) (silver figure on black card)

Box 81 Action Figures (POTJ)
2000 POTJ Anakin Skywalker (Mechanic) .0000 (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ Aurra Sing .0000 (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ Battle Droid (Boomer Damage) .0100 (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ Battle Droid (Security) .0000
2000 POTJ Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (Jedi Knight) (alec) .0100 (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ Boss Nass (Gungan Sacred Place) .0000 (Collection 2)
2000 POTJ Chewbacca (Millenium Falcon Mechanic) .0000 (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ Darth Maul (Sith Apprentice) .0400 (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ Darth Vader (Dagobah) .0100 (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ Han Solo (Bespin Capture) .0100 (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ IG-88 .0100 (Collection 2)
2000 POTJ Jar Jar Binks (Tatooine) .0400 (Collection 2)
2000 POTJ K-3PO (Echo Base Protocol Droid) .0400 (Collection 2)
2000 POTJ Lando Calrissian (Bespin Escape) .0400 (Collection 2)
2000 POTJ Leia Organa (General) .0000 (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Cold Weather Adventure) .0400 (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ Obi-Wan Kenobi .0000 (Jedi) (ewan) (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ Obi-Wan Kenobi .0400 (Jedi Training) (Collection 2)
2000 POTJ Plo Koon .0100 (Collection 2)
2000 POTJ Princess Leia (Bespin Escape) .0400 (Collection 2)
2000 POTJ Queen Amidala (Theed Invasion) .0300 (aka Naboo Throne Room) (Collection 2)
2000 POTJ Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Training Gear) "Jedi Armor" .0400 (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ R2-Q5 (Imperial Astromech Droid) .0400 "Imperal" (Collection 2)
2000 POTJ Saesee Tiin .0100 (Collection 2)
2000 POTJ Sandtrooper (Tatooine Patrol) .0400 (dirty) (on back it's Cantina Showdown)
2000 POTJ Scout Trooper (Imperial Patrol) .0100 (Collection 1)
2000 POTJ Shmi Skywalker .0400 (Collection 2)
2000 POTJ Tessek .0400 (Collection 2)
2001 POTJ Bo Shek .0700 (Collection 2)
2001 POTJ R4-M9 .0800 (Collection 2)
2001 POTJ Teebo .0600 (Collection 2)
2003 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Anakin Skywalker .0100
2003 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Obi-Wan Kenobi .0200
2003 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Asajj Ventress .0300
2003 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Mace Windu .0400
2003 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Clone Trooper .0500
2005 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Count Dooku .0600
2003 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Durge .0700
2003 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Yoda .0800
2005 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) General Grievous .0000 (Season III)
2005 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Anakin Skywalker .0100 (Season III)
2005 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) ARC Trooper (Red) .0200 (Season III)
2005 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Obi-Wan Kenobi .0300 (Season III)
2005 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Durge .0400 (Season III)
2005 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Asajj Ventress .0500 (Season III)
2005 Clone Wars (Cartoon Network) Mace Windu .0700 (Season III)

Box 82 Action Figures (OTC, '05, '03)
2004 OTC #03 Spirit Obi-Wan (ESB) .00
2004 OTC #07 Han Solo (ANH) .00
2004 OTC #18 Princess Leia (ESB) .00
2004 OTC #20 Lobot (ESB) .00
2004 OTC #28 Bossk (ESB) .00 (price tag sized tear on front)
2004 OTC #31 Bib Fortuna (ROTJ) .00
2004 OTC #35 Han Solo (ROTJ) .00
2004 OTC #36 General Madine (ROTJ) .00
2004 OTC #37 Lando Calrissian (ESB) .00
2005 #2 Yarua (TPM) .00
2005 #3 Sly Moore (TPM) .00
2005 #4 Queen Amidala (TPM) .00
2005 #5 Rabe (TPM) .00
2005 #10 Darth Vader (ANH) .00
2005 #15 Chewbacca (ESB) .00
2005 #16 Yoda (ESB) .00
2003 Clone Wars #44 Yoda .0200 (quantity: 2)
2003 Clone Wars #42 Anakin Skywalker .0000 (quantity: 2)
2003 Clone Wars #43 ARC Trooper .0100
AOTC 2002 #10 Shaak Ti (Jedi Master) .00
1996 SOTE Luke Skywalker (Imperial Guard Disguise) .00
1996 SOTE Leia (Boushh Disguise) .00
1996 SOTE Dash Rendar .00
1996 SOTE Boba Fett vs. IG-88 (2-pack) (w/ comic) .00

Star Wars Collectors
Chris Kelley - met at televised appraisal - 1137 Strickland Dr Austin TX 78748
Chris Kelley - 512-282-1528 -
Brad German - met at televised appraisal - G&G Toys Action Figures
Brad German - 8014 Tisdale Drive Austin TX 78757 - 512-459-4682 - 512-632-5289

Star Wars Stores
Bankston's Sports Cards - 1321 South Valley Mills Drive, Waco, TX 76711
Return of the Toys - P.O. Box 7082, Laguna Niguel, CA 92607
Dave's Collectible Toys - Located in the Almeda Antique Mall in Houston, TX
Dave's Collectible Toys - 713-898-0511 - mall: 713-941-7744
Hog Wild - 467-9453 - 107-A East North Loop (53rd St.)
Intergalactic Traders - Traders Village Outdoor Mall - 713-495-5616
Intergalactic Traders - 7979 No. Eldridge Rd. Booth #230, Houston TX 77272
Out of the Past Collectibles - 5341 Burnet Rd, Austin TX 78756
Out of the Past Collectibles - 512-371-3550 -
Star Force Collectibles - 367 N. Magnolia #103 - El Cajon, CA 92020
Star Force Collectibles - 619-588-7967 -

Action Figures

2002 07, 11, 14, 22, 23, 27, 41,
54, 50, 51, 55, Jorg Sacul (Celebration II)

2003 04, 05, 06 (x2), 07,
09, 10, 11, 12, 13 (x2), 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
22, 23,
41, 42 (x2), 43, 44 (x2)

2004 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06,
12, 13,
15, 16, 17

OTC 3, 7, 18, 20, 28, 31, 35, 36, 37

2005 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 16

Need '02 | 8-10, 12, 29, 42, 44-49, 52, 53, 56-?
Need '03 | 1-3, 8, 21, 24, 25, 27, 29-36, 38-40, 45-?
Need '04 | 7, 9-11, 14, 18-?
Need OTC | 1-2, 4-6, 8-17, 19, 21-27, 29, 30, 32-34, 38-?
Need '05 | 1, 6-9, 11-15, 17-?

Need? 1996 SOTE Prince Xizor
Need 1996 SOTE Chewbacca (Bounty Hunter Disguise)
Need 1996 SOTE Han Solo (Carbonite)
Need 1996 SOTE Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
Need 1996 SOTE Darth Vader vs. Prince Xizor (2-pack) (w/ comic)

Need 2004 OTC #01 Luke Skywalker (ESB)
Need 2004 OTC #02 Yoda (ESB)
Need 2004 OTC #04 R2-D2 (ESB)
Need 2004 OTC #05 Luke Skywalker (ANH)
Need 2004 OTC #06 Luke Skywalker (ROTJ)
Need 2004 OTC #08 Chewbacca (ESB)
Need 2004 OTC #09 Princess Leia (ANH)
Need 2004 OTC #10 Darth Vader (ROTJ)
Need 2004 OTC #11 Scout Trooper (ROTJ)
Need 2004 OTC #12 R2-D2 (ANH)
Need 2004 OTC #13 C-3PO (ANH)
Need 2004 OTC #14 Boba Fett (ROTJ)
Need 2004 OTC #15 Obi-Wan Kenobi (ANH)
Need 2004 OTC #16 Stormtrooper (ANH)
Need 2004 OTC #17 Wicket the Ewok (ROTJ)
Need 2004 OTC #19 Cloud Car Pilot (ESB)
Need 2004 OTC #21 TIE Fighter Pilot (ANH)
Need 2004 OTC #22 Greedo (ANH)
Need 2004 OTC #23 Tusken Raider (ANH)
Need 2004 OTC #24 Jawas (ANH)
Need 2004 OTC #25 Snowtrooper (ESB)
Need 2004 OTC #26 Luke Skywalker (ESB)
Need 2004 OTC #27 IG-88 (ESB)
Need 2004 OTC #29 Darth Vader (ESB)
Need 2004 OTC #30 Gamorrean Guard (ROTJ)
Need 2004 OTC #32 Lando Calrissian (ROTJ)
Need 2004 OTC #33 Princess Leia (ROTJ)
Need 2004 OTC #34 Darth Vader (ANH)

Need 2005 #1 Pablo-Jill (AOTC)
Need 2005 #6 Feltipern Trevagg (ANH)
Need 2005 #7 Myo (ANH)
Need 2005 #8 Dannik Jerriko (ANH)
Need 2005 #9 Luke Skywalker (ESB)
Need 2005 #11 Stormtrooper (ANH)
Need 2005 #12 Sandtrooper (ANH)
Need 2005 #13 Scout Trooper (ROTJ)
Need 2005 #14 Han Solo (ANH)

Need 2003 Clone Wars #47 Asajj Ventress
Need 2003 Clone Wars #48 Mace Windu
Need 2003 Clone Wars #46 Durge
Need 2003 Clone Wars #45 Obi-Wan Kenobi

Have 2003 Clone Wars Clone Trooper with Speeder Bike .0600
Have 2003 Clone Wars Destroyer Droid Battle Launcher .0000
Have 2003 Clone Wars Durge with Swoop Bike .0100
Need 2003 Clone Wars Droid Army
Need 2003 Clone Wars Jedi Knight Army

Need 2002 #08 AOTC Tusken Raider (Female with Tusken Child)
Need 2002 #09 AOTC Captain Typho (Padme's Head of Security)
Need 2002 #12
Need 2002 #29
Need 2002 #42 TPM Darth Maul (Sith Training)
Need 2002 #44 Ki-Adi-Mundi (Jedi Master)
Need 2002 #45
Need 2002 #46
Need 2002 #47
Need 2002 #48
Need 2002 #49
Need 2002 #52 AOTC Tusken Raider with Massiff
Need 2002 #53
Need 2002 #56 AOTC Eeth Koth (Jedi Master)
Need 2002 #57 ROTJ Teebo
Need 2002 #58-?

Need 2003 #01
Need 2003 #02 AOTC Mace Windu (Arena Confrontation)
Need 2003 #03
Need 2003 #08 ROTJ Boba Fett (The Pit of Carkoon)
Need 2003 #21 ANH C-3PO (Tatooine Ambush)
Need 2003 #24 AOTC Coleman Trebor (Battle of Geonosis)
Need 2003 #25
Need 2003 #27
Need 2003 #29 AOTC Lt. Dannl Faytonni (Coruscant Outlander Club)
Need 2003 #30 ROTJ The Emperor (Throne Room)
Need 2003 #31 ANH Luke Skywalker (Tatooine Encounter)
Need 2003 #32 ANH Darth Vader (Death Star Clash)
Need 2003 #33 AOTC Bail Organa (Alderaan Senator)
Need 2003 #34 Stormtrooper (McQuarrie Concept) (Fans' Choice #4)
Need 2003 #35 Imperial Dignitary (Janus Greejatus)
Need 2003 #36 AOTC Padme Amidala (Lars' Homestead)
Need 2003 #38 AOTC Ayy Vida (Outland Nightclub Patron)
Need 2003 #39 AOTC Obi-Wan Kenobi (Outlander Nightclub Encounter)
Need 2003 #40 AOTC Elan Sleazebaggano (Outlander Nightclub Encounter)
Need 2003 #42-?

Need 2004 #07 ROTJ Lando Calrissian (Jabba's Sail Barge)
Need 2004 #09 J'Quille
Need 2004 #10 ROTJ Tanus Spijek (Jabba's Sail Barge)
Need 2004 #11 ROTJ Holographic Luke Skywalker (Jabba's Palace)
Need 2004 #14 ANH TIE Fighter Pilot (Battle of Yavin)
Need 2004 #18 ESB Bossk (Executor Meeting)
Need 2004 #19-?
Need 2004 !!! Anakin Skywalker (Geonosis Hangar Duel) (same as AOTC #22 ?)
Need 2004 !!! C-3PO (Death Star Rescue)
Need 2004 !!! Chewbacca (Escape from Hoth)
Need 2004 !!! Darth Vader (Death Star Clash)
Need 2004 !!! Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coruscant Chase)
Need 2004 !!! Princess Leia (Death Star Captive)
Need 2004 !!! R2-D2 (Tatooine Mission)
Need 2004 !!! Stormtroper (Death Star Chase)
Need 2004 !!! Yoda (Battle of Geonosis)

Need OTC #1 Luke Skywalker - (The Empire Strikes Back)
Need OTC #2 Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)
Need OTC #4 R2-D2 (The Empire Strikes Back)
Need OTC #5 Luke Skywalker (A New Hope)
Need OTC #6 Luke Skywalker (Return of the Jedi)
Need OTC #8 Chewbacca - A New Hope
Need OTC #9 Princess Leia (A New Hope)
Need OTC #10 Darth Vader (Return of the Jedi)
Need OTC #11 Biker Scout
Need OTC #12 R2-D2 (A New Hope)
Need OTC #13 C-3PO (A New Hope)
Need OTC #14 Boba Fett (Return of the Jedi)
Need OTC #15 Obi-Wan Kenobi (A New Hope)
Need OTC #16 Stormtrooper (A New Hope)
Need OTC #17 Wicket the Ewok (Return of the Jedi)
Need OTC #19 Cloud Car Pilot (The Empire Strikes Back)
Need? OTC #20 Lobot (The Empire Strikes Back)
Need OTC #21 Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot (A New Hope)
Need OTC #22 Greedo (A New Hope)
Need OTC #23 Tusken Raider - Tatooine (A New Hope)
Need OTC #24 Jawas - Tatooine (A New Hope)
Need OTC #25 Imperial Snowtrooper - Hoth (Return of the Jedi)
Need OTC #26 Luke Skywalker (The Empire Strikes Back)
Need OTC #27 IG-88 - Bounty Hunter (The Empire Strikes Back)
Need? OTC #28 Bossk - Bounty Hunter (The Empire Strikes Back)
Need OTC #29 Darth Vader (The Empire Strikes Back)
Need OTC #30 Gamorrean Guard (Return of the Jedi)
Need OTC #31 Bib Fortuna (Return of the Jedi)
Need OTC #32 Lando Calrissian (Return of the Jedi)
Need OTC #33 Princess Leia Organa (Return of the Jedi)
Need OTC #34 Darth Vader (A New Hope)
Need? OTC #35 Han Solo (Return of the Jedi)

Need 2005 #1 Pablo-Jill (Attack of the Clones)
Need 2005 #6 Feltipern Trevagg (A New Hope)
Need 2005 #7 Myo (A New Hope)
Need 2005 #8 Dannik Jerriko (A New Hope)
Need 2005 #9 Luke Skywalker (The Empire Strikes Back)
Need 2005 #11 Stormtrooper (A New Hope)
Need 2005 #12 Sandtrooper (A New Hope)
Need 2005 #13 Scout Trooper (Return of the Jedi)
Need 2005 #14 Han Solo (A New Hope)

Plates (in storage)
Heroes and Villains Collection (from The Hamilton Collection)
Luke Skywalker - 0086G - (says Portrait Collage collection on plate)
Princess Leia - 3973C
Yoda - 0492B
Han Solo - 0998E
Darth Vader - 4610B - (COA says 4601B)
R2-D2 - 1752B
Boba Fett - 3647B
Jabba The Hutt - 0628A
Chewbacca - 4227A
Emperor Palpatine - 4589A
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 4581B
Lando Calrissian - 1369A

Posters (in storage) (rolled unless otherwise noted)
Episode I Taco Bell Set (1-4 of 4) - 17" x 22" each - 1999
Episode I Theatrical Release - One Sheet - 1999 (quantity: 2)
Episode II Theatrical Release - One Sheet - 2002
Star Wars Smugglers' Moon - signed by Dave Dorman - numbered #680 of 1500 - 19" x 24" - 1995
Star Wars Dark Empire II - signed by Dave Dorman - numbered #362 of 1500 - 19" x 24" - 1995
Star Wars - It's Back! - 1977 - no NSSC - no R810077 (reprint)
The Complete Power of the Force Collection 1995 to 1998 - Kenner (Hasbro) - 1998
Episode II IMAX - Size Matters Not! - 2002
Boba Fett - Fan Club Exclusive - 1997
Creature Cantina - Fan Club Exclusive - 1997
Star Wars Style D - (reprint)
Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Darth Vader - 1978 - Proctor & Gamble (Cascade, Cheer, & Dawn) (quantity: 2)
C-3PO & R2-D2 - 1978 - Proctor & Gamble (Cascade, Cheer, & Dawn) (quantity: 2)
Rebels (Han, Leia, Luke, Chewbacca) - 1978 - Proctor & Gamble (Cascade, Cheer, & Dawn) (quantity: 2)
Empire Strikes Back Posters - 4 Posters Free when you buy any size CRISCO OIL and Duncan Hines Moist & Easy and Pringles - Set of 4 - 1980
Battle of Hoth - Dave Dorman - signed and numbered - ? of 1500 - unopened - 20" x 36"
Episode II Release poster from fan club
Episode II Teaser poster
Episode III Teaser poster (double sided) from fan club
Episode I Video Release poster
A New Hope - one sheet - style A - reprint signed by greg and tim hildebrandt - #844 of 5000 - with certificate of authenticity
A New Hope - one sheet - style A - reprint signed by greg and tim hildebrandt - #1683 of 5000 - with certificate of authenticity
Trilogy DVD Release (3d)
Return of the Jedi - one sheet - lightsaber straight up the middle - reprint?
Return of the Jedi - 22" x 34" - lightsaber straight up the middle - reprint - corners torn and have pin holes
1980 Empire Strikes Back - Coca Cola - Boris (vallejo?) - 24" x 33" - tape marks on back
Japanese ROTJ - ~20" x 28" - saber straight up the middle
Japanese ROTJ - ~20" x 28" - collage
Clone Wars (cartoon network) - 24" x 36"
Clone Wars (cartoon network) - 18" x 24"
ROTJ - Style B - one sheet
Boba Fett: Bounty Hunter - Dave Dorman - signed and numbered #380 of 1500
ANH - 24" x 36" - common reprint (same as the one i have with autographs in bedroom)
Jedi Knight - Battle of Geonosis - corners torn and have pin holes
Dark Empire - Dave Dorman - signed and numbered #1133 of 1500 - the document that goes with this is stored with the Episode I (TPM) Video poster
Jedi Master Yoda - Photomosaic - (quantity: 2)
Darth Vader - Photomosaic
Darth Vader - generic star wars poster
Millenium Falcon in ROTJ Death Star attack - common - pin holes in corners
2005 Kellogg's Episode III Revenge of the Sith (collage) (mail-in offer from cereal box) (15"x32")
2005 Episode III release poster

Posters (framed) (originally rolled unless otherwise noted)
Star Wars Smugglers' Moon - signed by Dave Dorman - numbered #681 of 1500 - 19" x 24" - 1995
Star Wars Dark Empire II - signed by Dave Dorman - numbered #354 of 1500 - 19" x 24" - 1995
Star Wars - It's Back! - 1977 (folded) - NSSC - R810077

Autographed figures (in house)
1999 Episode 1 Nute Gunray .0000 (Collection 2) (signed by Silas Carson)
1999 Episode 1 Rune Haako .0000 (Collection 2) (signed by Jerome Blake)

!!!! boxes in storage unit are stacked 8 high

Ornament Box (attic)
Star Wars Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments Display Stand for set of 3 Ewoks (1998)
1997 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - C-3PO and R2-D2
1997 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Darth Vader
1997 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Luke Skywalker - Collector's Series
1997 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Yoda
1998 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - X-Wing Lunch Box
1998 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Boba Fett (quantity: 2)
1998 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Ewoks
1998 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Princess Leia - Collector's Series (quantity: 2)
1998 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - X-Wing Starfighter (quantity: 2)
1999 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Chewbacca
1999 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Darth Vader's TIE Fighter
1999 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Han Solo - Collector's Series
1999 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Max Rebo Band
1999 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Naboo Starfighter
1999 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Queen Amidala
2000 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Darth Maul
2000 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Gungan Submarine
2000 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Imperial Stormtrooper
2000 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Jedi Council Members: Saesee Tiin, Yoda, Ki-Adi-Mundi
2000 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Collector's Series
2000 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Qui-Gon Jinn
2001 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Anakin Skywalker
2001 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Jar Jar Binks
2001 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Naboo Royal Starship
2001 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - R2-D2 - Collector's Series
2002 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Darth Vader (Collector's Series)
2002 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Death Star
2002 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Jango Fett
2002 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Luke Skywalker
2002 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Obi-Wan Kenobi
2003 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - C-3PO (Collector's Series)
2003 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Clone Troopers
2003 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Padme Amidala (AOTC)
2003 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - TIE Fighter
2003 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Yoda
2004 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Anakin Skywalker
2004 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Chewbacca and C-3PO - Collector's Series
2004 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Star Destroyer and Blockade Runner
2004 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Star Wars: A New Hope - Theater One Sheet
2005 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Princess Leia - Collector's Series (ROTJ)
2005 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - TIE Advanced x1 & Millenium Falcon
2005 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Darth Vader (ESB)
2005 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Clone Trooper Lieutenant (ROTS)
2005 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Starfighter (ROTS)
2006 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Imperial AT-AT and Rebel Snowspeeder
2006 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi
2006 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Luke Skywalker and Yoda
2006 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - Asajj Ventress, Anakin Skywalker, and Yoda
2006 Kurt S. Adler Glass Ornament - Darth Vader
2006 Kurt S. Adler Glass Ornament - Star Wars
2006 Kurt S. Adler Glass Ornament - Yoda (head)
2007 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - A Jedi Legacy Revealed (ANH) (Luke & Obi-Wan)
2007 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - R2-D2 and Jawa (ANH)
2007 Hallmark Keepsake Ornament - The Adventure Begins (ANH) (Millenium Falcon)

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